November 29: Dana Theus and Mary Brodie discuss: What’s next after you get laid-off?

by | Nov 23, 2016 | Career Development, Coffee Break


We have been talking with people who have been getting laid-off over the past few weeks. It seems that people are falling into two groups with very different goals:

  1. Those who are panicking at the thought of finding a new job over the holidays, knowing that most likely they won’t be employed until at least January.  These people are worried about money. Will their severance last them long enough? Will they make their finances work? This group also has some strong responsibilities to fulfill.
  2. Those who are thrilled at the idea of starting over, potentially starting a new career and creating a new life. Some of the people in this group didn’t like their job for a number of reasons. They were in it just for the money. They knew that they couldn’t get ahead in their company anyway – it was just too cliquey. Some of them are at a point in life that they want to spend more time living that working – and their jobs didn’t afford them that opportunity.

Those in Group 1 are on a mad dash to network to find work – full stop. Group 2 members are in a mad dash to network to explore new types of work and opportunities.

From a different perspective, one could also say that Group 1 types are realists and Group 2 types are dreamers.

Are you newly laid-off (or worried a pink slip will be an unwelcome New Year’s gift)? Which group do you belong to?

In our November 29 Coffee Break, we will be discussing the different approaches you can take to an impending layoff, how you can use a forced exit from your current job to hit “reset” on your life and/or find the job of your dreams.

If this is you, please plan to attend live – share your story, tell us what group you are in, and get some live career coaching to help you achieve your dream.

Don’t forget to join us for Part II of this topic!

Not getting laid off, but know someone who is? Send them this post and invite them to join us live.






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