The Leadership Circle Profile
360 Assessments for Individuals and Teams
The Leadership Circle Profile Assessment system provides unparalleled insight and detailed feedback into your Leadership Brand for personal and professional growth. The survey results identify specific areas where you can lead more effectively at a lower energy cost to you and the system. This unique 360 survey and coach-facilitated debrief process provides you honest, balanced, and actionable insights into your blindspots and guidance to help you 10x your results while protecting against burnout. These deep insights into the “leader’s operating system” to help you in scaling leadership effectiveness is one of the most comprehensive, validated, and actionable assessment instruments available.
The Leadership Circle Profile is available from InPower Coaching in the following formats:
- Individual 360 – executive and manager versions
- Leadership Team Report – consolidated 360 scores, illuminating team capabilities, and growth opportunities to build both individual leader and team capacity
- Leadership Culture Insights – to gain awareness on how leaders and employees evaluate the effectiveness of a leadership team and understand its collective capacity to manage complexity
Dana Theus, Certified Executive Coach
InPower Coaching
==>>Leadership Circle results now available in interactive format! <<==
Schedule a call with Dana to discuss bringing this powerful 360 instrument into your organization.
High profile scores in “relating” competencies and people skills are 85% correlated to leadership effectiveness and foster empowering leadership styles
High profile scores in “achieving” competencies such are 91% correlated to leadership effectiveness and business performance to improve organizational systems and support scaling leadership
Performance Metrics
The Leadership Circle Profile accurately measures skills in high achievement leadership that correlate strongly to output and creating results.
This powerful leadership development assessment has been tested and validated against six key indicators of business performance assessment:
- sales/revenue growth
- market share
- profitability/ROA
- quality of products and services
- new product development
- overall performance
Correlation of results in all indicators to Leadership Effectiveness Score: 61%
Source: The Leadership Circle
How The Leadership Circle Profile Works
Measuring Creative Competencies (Strengths)
The Leadership Circle Profile is built to help leaders grow into their creative, innovative, and achievement potential. The report’s creative competency scores indicate the extent to which the individual or team is effective in leading people to produce measurable business results, while also creating greater systems capacity with the business. Broken into eighteen subcategories, The creative competency scores give leaders precise indicators of the ways in which they are effective in leading through the following five top-line competency categories:
- Relating
- Self-awareness
- Authenticity
- Systems awareness
- Achieving
Each area of creative leadership is highly correlated to overall leadership impact and business results in all types of organizational systems.
Identifying Reactive Tendencies (Growth Opportunities)
Everyone has self-protection tendencies, commonly unconscious, that detract from their ability to engage others and build trusting empowered relationships. These reactive dimensions correlate to reduced performance, limited success and they inhibit long-term effectiveness. This is the only instrument to surface instantly key issues and identifies key opportunities for shifting internal assumptions and improving authentic expression and clear communication in three categories and eleven subcategories.
The 360 reports and coach debriefs provide profile recipients the insight and true breakthrough opportunities to pinpoint the specific areas of emotional intelligence they can develop for greater leverage and productive engagement. They develop a greater ability to achieve results without creating burnout by focusing on reframing their tendencies in the following areas:
- Compliance
- Protection
- Control
These self limiting styles each hold potential leadership gifts as well, which when leveraged, increase the leader’s innovative capabilities and strengths. During the debrief process we will explore key issues and related liabilities and strengths and help you make decisions about which reactive tendencies hold the greatest short-term and long-term benefits once their gifts are understood and their system-draining patterns transformed.
Relating/Achieving Balance
The most effective leaders have one thing in common, they are able to achieve results, improve organizational systems and build strong, empowered stakeholder relationships, the critical fuel for 10x performance. Leaders who have not made intentional efforts to balance these competencies and reactive tendencies, however, tend to find their success in one of these two critical areas at the expense of the other.
The Relating and Achieving dimensions of the 360 provide in-depth and powerful insights into each leader’s or team’s balance on these two performance-critical strengths. From the scores on the left and right of the circle, clear patterns emerge regarding where development efforts may bear the most fruit.
Summary Scores
In addition to a detailed breakdown of all 29 creative competencies and reactive tendencies the assessment results provide additional summary indicators of the leader’s own development opportunities:
- Leadership Brand: to view their top strengths through the eyes of their colleagues
- Self-Assessment Gap: to evaluate the degree to which the leader understands their Leadership Brand and opportunities for improvement.
- Reactive-Creative Scale: indicating the degree to which they lean into their creative competencies more often than their reactive tendencies
- Relationship-Task Balance: indicating whether they can better strengthen their leadership impact by developing their interpersonal relating or achievement-focused capacity
- Leadership Potential Utilization: provides a bottom-line measurement of how much the leader is living up to their potential, as compared to over two million other leaders in the global database
- Leadership Effectiveness: indicates the leader’s overall impact, a measure that is highly correlated to business success
Rater Information, Categories and Score Breakouts
In addition to a visual summary of the score, each report includes detailed data tables indicating scores of the boss’ boss, boss, peers, direct reports, and others (e.g., clients) ratings.
A leader should have from 8-12 respondents take the survey (maximum of 20). The “boss” and “boss’ boss” scores will be individually reported, whereas peers and direct reports will only be reported and aggregated in these categories if at least 3 individuals from that subgroup have taken the survey.
The information tables also include self-rating and overall summary scores for detailed comparison.
Leadership Circle Profile Cost
This 360 assessment instrument offers a rich and deep universal model into how a leader is viewed by others, and also the specific well-researched competencies that will drive behavior change to produce high fulfillment–in both the individual and the rater group.
To achieve results like this the rich data set must be debriefed carefully with the individual leader so they see the personal and true breakthrough opportunities instead of falling prey to their own self-limiting confirmation bias. Such bias in reading the results may create internal assumptions that further limit their effectiveness. To provide appropriate support, we offer two levels of assessment and debrief, which also offer cost variability. Level 1 includes the assessment and two 90-minute debrief sessions. Level 2 provides three additional coaching sessions to focus on helping the leader create meaningful development objectives and an accountability plan with their organization. Additional coaching packages are also available to support them as they work on their own development, as deep behavioral change typically takes place in a 6-12 month timeframe.
Research Based
The Leadership Circle Profile represents a significant advancement in state-of-the-art leadership assessment and development.
It is the first competency-based 360 assessment tool to measure behavior at various stages of adult development; to link patterns of action with habits of thought; to organize information into developmental systems based on some of the best theoretical frameworks in the leadership, psychological and spiritual literature; and to display information in a way that immediately draws attention to the most critical information in the feedback.
The following list includes just three of the eighteen fields of study tapped in sourcing the theoretical framework behind this powerful assessment:
Leadership Development
The core framework distinctions derive from Robert Fritz’s work, The Path of Leadership Resistance. The Creative Orientation more predictably creates intended results at the lowest energy cost to the leader, while the Reactive Orientation tends toward maintaining the current situation at the highest energy/stress costs for the leader and the system.
Adult Development
There is substantial research integrated into The Leadership Circle Profile, which describes how adults learn and grow (Kegan, Wilber, Gilligan, Hall, Kohlberg, Beck, CookGreuter, Torbert). This research suggests that as they develop adults evolve to a greater capacity to handle complexity more effectively.
Karen Horney, a renowned M.D. and psychoanalytical researcher identified how individuals organize a sense of identity and character structure to include three primary strategies. Her approach is integrated into the bottom half of the Leadership Circle’s reactive tendency scores: Complying, Controlling, and Protecting.
“An organization cannot perform beyond the consciousness of its leadership.”
– Bob Anderson, Founder of the Leadership Circle
Learn how the Leadership Circle Profile can
10x your leadership effectiveness
Schedule a call with Dana to discuss bringing this powerful 360 instrument into your organization.
Meet Your Coach
Dana Theus is a Leadership Circle Profile certified coach. She uses the 360 instrument and her own proprietary InPower Coaching tools to help her clients grow their capacity to build high-impact, high-performance teams while simultaneously helping individual leaders replace their unproductive style with inner beliefs and motivating habits that tap their personal highest potential. She helps companies in scaling leadership, building alignment and upleveling effective leadership.
Dana’s methodology includes pre-brief coaching sessions to help you choose the best instrument, rater panel, and timeline. She delivers the results with compassionate and powerful debrief sessions to help maximize your learning, and get the greatest insights from the “hard truths” of the 360 format. Her coaching style is inspiring and encouraging, helping you appreciate your unique gifts and home-in on exactly the work you must do to be the leader you know you can be. She recommends a 9-12 month continuing survey and coaching program to help you make the hard changes that can 10x your leadership effectiveness.
Download the Leadership Circle Profile Brochure.
Learn more about Dana Theus

Available Formats
The Leadership Circle Profile is available from InPower Coaching in several powerful formats.
This versatile assessment tool can help individuals, teams and entire organizations identify specific strengths to protect and liabilities to strengthen.
Give everyone the competitive leadership edge in your organization.
Executive Leader 360
The most in-depth 360 assessment available today, The full Leadership Circle Profile breaks down all 8 dimensions and 29 leadership qualities into broad visuals and percentage detail, with rater and self-assessment data broken out independently. Leaders have access to anonymous comments regarding their strengths, opportunities to improve and leadership impact.
One of the most impactful views of the results shows the respondent their Leadership Brand through the eyes of others, and the gap between how others experience them and the way they see themselves. When you’re positioning yourself for advancement, there’s no more clear report to help you understand the gaps you need to fill to get ahead.
Manager 360
An assessment scaled for management challenges, the Manager edition of the Leadership Circle Profile breaks down into 6 dimensions and 21 management qualities in detail, with rater and self-assessment data broken out independently.
While this assessment measures fewer overall leadership qualities, they focus on the ones critical to management success. Managers receive anonymous insight from open-ended rater input regarding their strengths and opportunities to improve. Manager 360 results include all the elements in the executive instrument, including visual scores, self vs. rater gaps, and summary scores.
Aggregate Group Profile (Team Report)
The Aggregate Group Profile combines and averages the individual 360 assessment scores of all team members to provide powerful 360 individual insights for leaders, plus a global snapshot of the team’s collective strengths and opportunities for growth. Individual team members can see where they contribute both strengths and liabilities to the group. Excellent for Executive Teams who want to invest in up-leveling their entire leadership team’s individual and collaborative capabilities at once.
Leadership Circle team reports and debriefs offer organizations the opportunity to further both leadership development goals and strategic business imperatives simultaneously.
Collective Leadership Assessment
The Collective Assessment gives business leaders an affordable 360 view into the power of their leadership culture, as evaluated by themselves and those they interact with most directly. While this assessment does not provide individual scores it gives leaders powerful clues to the ways they can work together to create a higher-performing organization.
Assessment Retakes
Unlike most “personality” assessments, leaders and teams can see their specific growth and development by retaking the Leadership Circle Profile survey every 12-18 months.
The Leadership Circle’s Actionable Data
Leadership Circle Profile results in all formats break down leadership strengths and areas for improvement into detailed descriptions that give leaders specific insights into how they can improve their leadership style in ways that are highly correlated to creating results. Here are the most often reported strengths and opportunities for growth (liabilities), listed here by the frequency with which they are identified in over 2,000,000 surveys taken globally:
- STRENGTH: Strong People Skils 51%
- STRENGTH: Good Listener 43%
- STRENGTH: Team Builder 43%
- STRENGTH: Leads by Example 42%
- LIABILITY: Ineffective Interpersonal Style 63%
- LIABILITY: Not a Team Player 42%
- LIABILITY: Team Not Fully Developed 36%
- LIABILITY: Over Demanding 36%
The Leadership Circle Profile: Free Whitepapers & Self-Assessment Report
SELF-ASSESSMENT: To get a feel for the power of the Leadership Circle Profile, you can take the self-assessment version free of charge. You’ll receive a full report with accompanying explanations of your results. If you choose to move forward to take a 360, you will gain specific measures of where your self-assessment diverges from how others experience you.
WHITE PAPERS: The Leadership Circle Profile is heavily researched. Register now to get a link to the white papers by Founder, Bob Anderson:
- Mastering Leadership
- No Safe Path to Leadership (an InPower Favorite!)
- The Leadership Circle and Organizational Performance
- Reactive-to-Creative Leadership
- Daily Habits of Exceptional Leaders
- Leadership: Uncommon Sense
- The Leadership Circle Profile: Breakthrough Leadership Assessment Technology
- How Does the Leadership Circle Profile Compare to Other 360 Assessments?
- Instrument Validation Study Regarding Leadership Circle Profile
- Reimagine: The X-Factor for Agile Transformation (Dave Schrader, PhD)
and more!
To view white papers you will receive targeting links to the Leadership Circle website.
Start Your FREE Self-Assessment Now
Leadership Circle Profile 360 FAQs
What is the Leadership Circle Profile 360?
The Leadership Circle Profile 360 is the most robust and actionable assessment of your personal leadership brand available. Combining the scores of up to 20 evaluators, you will receive a clear picture of how they perceive your performance and style, detailed into 29 dimensions organized into eight categories. You’ll also gain insight into whether your greatest growth opportunities lie in building up your relationship skills or your achievement skills. Finally, you will see how your evaluators rank you in terms of leadership strength and how you rank, compared to the hundreds of thousands of leaders who have done the 360 before you.
What challenges can the Leadership Circle Profile 360 help me overcome?
When you receive your 360 results you’ll gain actionable insights into why you may struggle with aspects of leadership such as:
- Influential Leadership and Gaining buy-in
- Motivating others
- Building trusting business relationships
- Producing results
- Managing conflict
- Setting goals
- Building employee engagement and retention
- Getting tapped for promotion
- Leading change
Is the Leadership Circle Profile only available in a 360 format?
The Leadership Circle Profile is available in two formats:
- Self-assessment
- 360 feedback
As a part of the 360 assessment process, you will take a self-assessment, which is also available to you as a stand-alone report. You can take the self-assessment for free by registering on this page (below).
Although you can receive your self-assessment scores immediately, virtually everyone who takes the 360 learns that their self-assessment is not a good indicator of how they are viewed by their peers, bosses and direct reports. In the gap between these scores is the deepest learning, to understand how to bring your view of yourself into alignment with the way others experience you. This alignment is key to achieving influence and impact.
What are the results of the Leadership Circle Profile 360?
You will receive the results of your 360 feedback review during a coaching debrief session. The debrief will walk you through the high-level findings and trends, supporting you in identifying your primary takeaways. After the first debrief you’ll receive your complete results, which include:
- 360 graphic scores
- Data tables with results for each leadership dimension, broken out by reviewer
- Comparison of your self-assessed scores to other’s ratings
- Open responses to the questions your evaluators answered: What should this leader stop doing? Start doing? Keep doing?
- A detailed interpretation manual
- Your coaches suggested reflection questions to help guide you in looking through your results
- How does the Leadership Circle Profile 360 work?
How many evaluators do I need to complete a Leadership Circle Profile 360?
Your Leadership Circle Profile 360 score is developed by combining the scores of your evaluators and comparing them to your self-assessment scores. Each evaluator also has the opportunity to leave you open-ended advice in the following three areas: what you should stop doing, what you should start doing and what you should keep doing.
You need to develop a list of between eight and twenty evaluators broken into this categories:
- Direct Reports (3+)
- Peers (3+)
- Boss (1)
- Boss’ Boss (2)
- Other
You will receive a combined score with everyone’s input as well as individual breakout scores in each of the categories above. (Note: to receive breakout scores for direct reports and/or peers you must have at least three individuals in each category complete their responses to the survey.)
Are the Leadership Circle Profile 360 responses anonymous?
There is no identifying information for your evaluators reported with either the quantitative or qualitative results you receive. The only exception to this is that only one person typically fills out the “boss” and “boss’ boss” questions, identifying them by default. Depending on the information provided by the respondents in the freeform questions, you may be able to identify specific open-ended respondents, however individuals may reply to these questions in ways that are intended to make this harder for you to determine. Respondents may also opt out of responding at all to the free-form questions.
If you do not have at least three responses in the Direct Report or Peer categories, these individuals’ responses will be included with the “other” category so that their scores are not singled out in the quantitative results.
How long does it take to get my Leadership Circle Profile 360 results?
Once all survey responses have been completed and the survey closed by your coach, your coach will receive your results digitally within three hours. Your results will be presented to you via screen share with your coach so you must set up a debrief call to receive them. Your coach will send you your complete results after the first debrief session.