Research Summary: Women Better Investors?

by | Nov 4, 2013 | Gender Research, InPower Women Blog

Title: Women Are Better Investors

Study: Deflating News For Men: Women Better Investors (Barklay’s Wealth & Ledbury Research 2011)

Finding: Female investors are more likely to make money in the market.

InPower Insight: Women act less impulsively when it comes to investing, which turns out to be a great way to make money.


This study purports that women making better investors because they take fewer risks than their male counterparts. Women were found to buy stock and hold on to it longer than did men, and tend to act only when they were confident about their decision. The study concluded that because of this, women tend to earn more, especially over the long run. While women are found to have more self- control, they are also more averse to the stress of day trading, which creates high anxiety.

Personal Coaching Tip: Woman are good stewards of resources and when we treat business risks more conservatively, this generally pays off with greater returns. If you work with “hip shooters” and are the one that voices the more conservative approach, know that you’re adding real value to the discussion. If you’re a personal investor and anyone ever treats you as though your instincts are no good, if you feel they are, stick to your guns. It just might pay off.

Keywords: Investments, Risk, Self-Control

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