career advancement

5 Strategies to Help You Forgive

Is there someone in your life that you need to forgive?  Have you reached out or are you still hanging onto the hurt?  I reconnected with a friend of mine, who I’ll call Mary, earlier this week.  Thanks to a big miscommunication about a job search nearly a decade ago, Mary and I parted ways almost...

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A Note to New Career Moms

The other day I found myself at the doctor’s office for the second time in two weeks. I wasn’t sick. My kids were. First, one caught a virus and juuusssst as he was starting to feel better – poof! – he gave the same freakin’ germs to his brother. “If I know what’s wrong, can’t I just give one kid...

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Why We’re Not Sure We Want to Be #1

“I am a really good #2. I don’t want to be #1.” “I really love the job I’m in and don’t want my boss’s job. It just seems too political.” “I think I could do my boss’s job, but I don’t really want that much stress in my life right now.” “My kids are young, I’m already working as hard as I can, I...

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Leaning Back to Part Time in a Time of Leaning In

By: Robert Waring For women who want to lean back a bit from their careers in order to focus on their families, their situations may in some ways seem more difficult since the publication of Sheryl Sandberg's book Lean In. Now that there is "a sort of" manual for how career driven women are...

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Five Steps To Embrace Conflict

I will start off by making a confession. I hate conflict. I would rather we all get along and play nice – world peace and all that. My usual response to conflict is to pretend it’s not happening, pretend it’s someone else’s problem, or to run away from it. I’ve learned that in order for me to lead...

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Let The Feedback In: Don’t Let Your Wallet Fly Off Your Car!

I was scared. I was tooling down the D.C. Beltway when another car pulled up right next to me, blaring its horn. The passengers were madly gesticulating to me, but I had no idea what they were saying. All I knew was that they looked angry. Menacing. I thought, “Are they trying to run me off the...

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How To Be Unforgettable

By: Kristi Hedges It was never easy to leave a lasting impression on others. Now, it’s nearly impossible. The precious real estate in our brains is oversold, and as study after study shows, we’re becoming increasingly overwhelmed and distracted. Consider that the average American hears or reads...

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