career advancement

Leadership Skills Outside Your Comfort Zone

So you’ve just gotten that great opportunity you’ve wanted for so long. You got the promotion! Woo hoo! You settle into your new office, put the higher pay in your monthly budget, meet your colleagues, receive the key to the bathroom and put that first board meeting on your calendar. Then the...

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Research Says: Joint Evaluations Curb Gender Bias

  Study:  When Performance Trumps Gender Bias: Joint versus Separate Evaluation (Harvard Business School, Bohnet, Van Green, Bazerman, 2012) Finding: Joint evaluations for senior level positions might be the ticket to overcoming gender bias and stereotypical notions in hiring managers....

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Do Women Need a Mentor to Succeed?

Every young professional hears it: “Get a mentor!” Many companies invest in mentoring programs, especially for women aspiring to advance. But do mentor programs pay off –– for the mentors and the mentees? My clients and I have had positive experiences, but, who knows? Maybe we’re not typical?...

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Who’s the Character in My Character-Based Leadership Style?

I’ve been self-employed for a decade (more if you look closely), but it wasn’t until this year that I became an entrepreneur and began to see my leadership style shift closer to authenticity. What’s the change and why is it affecting my leadership style and character? Unlike a self-employed person...

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Research Says: Volunteer to Juice Your Career

  Study: Volunteer to Juice Your Career (Forbes, 2012, Hewlett) Finding: Volunteering is a win-win situation with potential to provide a needed spark to a stagnant career. Note about The Woman Effect Research Index: This study was performed by researchers not affiliated with InPower Women....

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