career advancement

Pitching Your Big Idea

To get support for your big idea, you have to become adept at pitching every idea. Good leaders know how to pitch. They do it naturally and easily. But this isn’t a skill anyone’s really born with, it takes some personal development. Why invest in becoming good at pitching? You gain more...

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When Women Talk About Themselves, They Earn More

In a recent survey of working adults conducted by Accenture, 68 percent of the women thought it took hard work and long hours to advance in a company. The result often leaves women feeling burned out, and in some cases, they don't even choose to move up the ladder. Yet the study also found that...

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7 Ways to Retain and Promote Top-Performing Women

After spending over a decade in the legal profession, much of it as a practicing attorney, I spent a great deal of time observing the career paths of talented women.  Frustrated by the lack of inclusion of women in the partnership ranks, I often felt that those who led organizations were...

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My Surprise Secret to Work-Life Balance

I’ve been on a conscious, 15 year quest for work-life balance and have actually achieved a great deal of it (throws confetti). Recently I’ve been documenting a lot of my learning’s about what’s worked and what hasn’t during this time, and integrating it into my coaching practice, but it wasn’t...

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Presence: You Can’t Fake It (Book Review)

When someone you have worked with, known as a friend, colleague and thought leader writes a book – you buy the book and read it. And then you tell the world about it. That’s what I’m doing with Kristi Hedges and her new book, The Power of Presence: Unlock Your Potential To Influence And Engage...

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