inpower leadership

10 Reasons to be an Empowered Manager

By: Mary Schaefer Why it’s worth it to take your management skills to the next level, as a manager of people I’ve been conducting training on manager/employee communication for years. In one class last year I heard the same phrase over and over and it really struck me. “What I don’t want to happen...

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Executive Coaching Guru Joel Garfinkle [Audio Interview]

As a part of our interview series with InPower people I am loving talking to so many executive coaching experts. Coaches are often, by definition, pulling from their InPower source. They have to in order to help their clients, and the best ones are helping you access your internal power source...

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Will You Choose To Lead From Who You Are?

Imagine:  What it would be like to grow up in a family that is always behind on their bills. To live in a home that could be featured on the television program HOARDERS. To have your home burn to the ground and lose everything when you were in grade-school.  Then live in a home without an indoor...

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Leadership, Healing & Gratitude

By: Lyn Boyer Last week, I was honored that the renowned Lolly Daskal asked me to co-host her weekly #LeadFromWithin Tweet Chat. We selected the topic of healing, which apparently struck a chord with many members of her very large Twitter community. That hashtag trended to number two during the...

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Leadership Practices for Work Life Sanity

Want to take the 24 out of 24/7? I was at lunch the other day with a friend who is a senior leader at her company.  She was talking about how many junior women seriously consider opting out of high powered careers as they think about having families. This, despite all the work her company, a...

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The Power of Vulnerability

Note from the Editor: The staff of InPower women is taking some time off this week, as we hope you are, so we are reposting this popular post you may have missed. Happy Holidays! As an advocate for the underserved in her community, Gloria is recognized as a true leader. She’s smart, resourceful...

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Vulnerability Management: Required Course for Leaders?

I was having dinner with a friend, a very successful consultant, whom I hadn't seen for quite a while. As we munched on a Caesar salad, I talked about my research on successful women. "I asked myself, what did these women, from many walks of life, share in common?" I told my friend. "What I...

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Are You Missing The “Potent Pixels” of Leadership?

I’ve noticed that leaders often have very interesting notions of what constitutes ‘leadership.’ Some managers view leadership as something that exists outside and apart from them. They think of leaders as only those who make the grand speeches and set sweeping agendas. So, often, when my clients’...

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