
Research Says: Are women CEOs trusted? YES.

  Study: MT/Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM)'s Index of Leadership Trust (FreshMinds Consultants, 2010)  Finding: Female CEO's are gaining trust and proving competent, and it isn't because they're more empathetic, but likely because they are more meticulous in their methodologies....

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Change Leadership: Maximizing your ROL (Return on Luck)

  Sure, sometimes you’re the lucky recipient of spontaneous innovation, but according to business gurus, consistently good innovators actually have strategies for leveraging luck (the good and the bad) when it trips across their paths. In “Great by Choice” Jim Collins and Morten Hansen have...

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Women: We Need You As Leaders

By: John Keyser As many of my clients and other readers know, I believe we need a societal change in order to gain a great many more women in leadership roles. I read two articles in the past few days that prompt me to want to write about this today. The cover story in this week’s Time Magazine,...

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Why The Woman Effect? We’re Really Good At What We Do

In researching The Woman Effect, I kept thinking, it's great that professional women in leadership have such a positive and measurable effect on business performance, but what are high-achieving women doing so right? How can we do it even more intentionally? These questions lead me to this blog...

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Breaking the Pattern of Management

Gary Hamel is awesome. I remember doing strategic planning in the 90’s and reading Hamel’s guru stuff. Here he is 20 years later still blowing our minds and giving us new change management insights to play with. Gary Hamel: Reinventing the Technology of Human Accomplishment In the video above...

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