male and female leadership

Move Over Wonder Woman, There’s a New Heroine In Town

By: Take The Lead On Tuesday I participated in #GenderPop, a TweetChat hosted by an organization called Have Art Will Travel, also known as HAWT. Hot. HAWT uses art as a vehicle to inspire people to fearlessly live out their genders. The topic of the TweetChat was the new Pakistani cartoon show,...

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On Being ‘Nice’

Women often find themselves between a rock and a hard place. When women are viewed as "nice," studies show that people "like" them better, but they are considered less effective in the workplace. When they're considered more effective but less nice, they experience more career roadblocks. What's a...

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A Note to New Career Moms

The other day I found myself at the doctor’s office for the second time in two weeks. I wasn’t sick. My kids were. First, one caught a virus and juuusssst as he was starting to feel better – poof! – he gave the same freakin’ germs to his brother. “If I know what’s wrong, can’t I just give one kid...

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C-Suite Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

What are women thinking in the C-Suite?  Once they have faced and conquered all the obstacles and reached the corporate pinnacle still so dominated by men, what do they wish they had known or done differently as they were building their careers? I’ve been wondering about the answers to this...

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Need Career Advice? Exercise and Climb a Tree

There’s nothing like a great metaphor to make a point. I often look for metaphors that illustrate my mission to help women “Find the Work that Fits Your Life”, and I love one I just saw on the Levo League web site that equates building a career with climbing trees. In the Levo League article, “6...

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No Sexism Here – 3 Ways Men Can Help Women

Ladies, I write a lot for women, but I talk to many men who want to help us too. I recently wrote this for Smartblogs on Leadership (where lots of men hang out) and thought you might like to pass it on to the men you know that have women (especially younger women) reporting to them. Enjoy! If...

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