
The Power of Vulnerability

Note from the Editor: The staff of InPower women is taking some time off this week, as we hope you are, so we are reposting this popular post you may have missed. Happy Holidays! As an advocate for the underserved in her community, Gloria is recognized as a true leader. She’s smart, resourceful...

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Vulnerability Management: Required Course for Leaders?

I was having dinner with a friend, a very successful consultant, whom I hadn't seen for quite a while. As we munched on a Caesar salad, I talked about my research on successful women. "I asked myself, what did these women, from many walks of life, share in common?" I told my friend. "What I...

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Be a meeting whisperer: Conflict Management 101

A simple reality of the working world is that meetings dominate our time, and the higher you go in your career, the more pressure there is to spend every waking moment in a meeting somewhere. I think we should cancel most of the meetings we attend, but what about the ones where you need to be...

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Research Says: Millennial Women Burn Out Early

Study: Millennial Women Burn Out Early (Forbes 2011) Finding: Studies show that Millenial women are reaching their corporate career peak at age 30 and burning out due to going non-stop from grade school straight into the corporate world. InPower Insight: Find time to relax in your day or early...

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Can You Be Powerful?

What does it mean to be a powerful woman? Do we have to be aggressive and domineering, exerting power over others to drive success? Or if you favor collaboration, can you transform the meaning of power? There are two steps to consider when determining how you can be powerful if you desire to be....

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