
Are You Putting Your Superpowers to Work?

Do you have a super power? Of course you do! It's what you do best and when you know what it is and work to build your success around it, you might be unstoppable! Henna shows us how. - InPower Editors If I asked you “What’s your superpower,” would you be able to articulate it? John Henry, the...

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9 Ways Daily Mindfulness Will Help You Succeed

By: Prerna Gupta When life seems overwhelming, it's the simplest of strategies that can save us. This young woman reminds us what simple things can create mindfulness and peace even in a busy life. - InPower Editors Many of us are drawn to the peace and happiness promised by a life of mindfulness,...

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To Reach Your Highest Potential, Start From Your Strengths

Do you lead from your strengths or weaknesses? We all need to get better, but we're more successful in doing so if we start from what we're best at. What are you best at? - InPower Editors Recently, I reread a wonderful book called Unique Ability: Creating The Life You Want, by Catherine Nomura,...

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You Are What You Think: The Significance of Your Word Choices

What if everything you said mattered? Would you speak differently? Most of us would. Mary takes it to a whole new level, and helps us understand the importance of our words. - InPower Editors Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions,...

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Using Creativity to Build and Improve Your Business

Of all the ways to improve your business, have you considered adding creativity to the mix? As Bill Moyer says, “Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous.” As an artist turned entrepreneur, I know that creativity has helped me find the marvelous, the innovative and the...

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Sales Skills Help You Reach Your Personal Best

Think you don't have any sales skills? Think you don't need them? You do! Kathryn deconstructs the most important sales skills and shows you how to develop your ability to get buy-in. What can you do to develop your sales skills this week? - InPower Editors There’s a saleswoman inside all of us...

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How to Tell Your Leadership Communications Skills Need a Tune Up

Ever get one of those "little feelings" that warns you're saying one thing and communicating another? This is particularly problematic when you're the boss. For those in charge, learning good leadership communications skills is critical. Mary helps us diagnose some warning signs. How often does...

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