
Can You Be Powerful?

What does it mean to be a powerful woman? Do we have to be aggressive and domineering, exerting power over others to drive success? Or if you favor collaboration, can you transform the meaning of power? There are two steps to consider when determining how you can be powerful if you desire to be....

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When Women Talk About Themselves, They Earn More

In a recent survey of working adults conducted by Accenture, 68 percent of the women thought it took hard work and long hours to advance in a company. The result often leaves women feeling burned out, and in some cases, they don't even choose to move up the ladder. Yet the study also found that...

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Create More Time in Your Day by Answering These 5 Questions

As a busy woman who works with busy professionals, I often hear this question:  “How can I get more time in my day?”  With busyness and disconnection at an all time high, these five questions will help you assess what changes you can make to create more time in your day and reconnect with what...

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We Need Many More Women in Leadership Roles

Recently, I have written several articles about our need for more women in key leadership roles. I assert that our companies and organizational cultures could benefit from women’s great strengths, e.g., their willingness to ask questions, to listen to understand and learn, to be inclusive in...

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7 Ways to Retain and Promote Top-Performing Women

After spending over a decade in the legal profession, much of it as a practicing attorney, I spent a great deal of time observing the career paths of talented women.  Frustrated by the lack of inclusion of women in the partnership ranks, I often felt that those who led organizations were...

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7 Simple Resilience Strategies for Busy, Complicated Lives

Recently, I’ve seen the term “resilience” applied to everything from real estate, to the economy, sports, current events, business, and more.  Resilience is a popular buzzword, but what really is resilience?  Most people are able to define it as the ability to bounce back from adversity, but few...

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Research Says: Are women CEOs trusted? YES.

  Study: MT/Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM)'s Index of Leadership Trust (FreshMinds Consultants, 2010)  Finding: Female CEO's are gaining trust and proving competent, and it isn't because they're more empathetic, but likely because they are more meticulous in their methodologies....

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Do You Explain Your Success Away?

When I was a young attorney, I attended a real estate closing with a female real estate partner in my office. She had been practicing for years, had successfully navigated the pressure cooker of working in a large law firm, was on several prestigious boards, and had a cache of clients willing to...

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