
Women, Want to Be Promoted? Talk About Yourself

In a recent survey of working adults conducted by Accenture, 68 percent of the women thought it took hard work and long hours to advance in a company. The result often leaves women feeling burned out and resentful for the lack of appreciation for their efforts. In reality, people don't advance...

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Women: We Need You As Leaders

By: John Keyser As many of my clients and other readers know, I believe we need a societal change in order to gain a great many more women in leadership roles. I read two articles in the past few days that prompt me to want to write about this today. The cover story in this week’s Time Magazine,...

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Do You Explain Your Success Away?

When I was a young attorney, I attended a real estate closing with a female real estate partner in my office. She had been practicing for years, had successfully navigated the pressure cooker of working in a large law firm, was on several prestigious boards, and had a cache of clients willing to...

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Women & Risky Business – A Dynamite Combo?

Have you ever been in an airplane when it stalls? I was twelve when dad tipped us straight up into the solid blue expanse of sky - allowing gravity to grip our chests - and gunned our little single prop Cessna vertical. We chugged forward briefly until the lift over the wings dissipated, the...

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5 Ways to Advance Amid Dysfunction

Old boss - mentoring and advancement opportunities. New boss - frustration, competition, neglect, stupidity and powerlessness. What's your strategy for getting ahead now? In the last week, I've talked to three people in situation "new boss" - at all levels including a CXO (no, my friends,...

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The Ironies of Failure

If we’ve read one “fail fast” article lately, we’ve read a million. Failure is an option! You can’t succeed until you fail! The Lean Startup goes so far as to encourage experimentation on your customer base, with the goal of failure, so you can turn it around into success quickly. There’s merit to...

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