
What’s the Secret To Achieving Your Goals?

We’re all surrounded by goals. ToDo lists. Management Objectives. Career Goals. Personal Goals. [Tweet "You name it, we’ve got a goal about it."] Why is it we feel sometimes that achieving your goals is so hard? In my experience, our biggest limitation when it comes to setting goals is that we...

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Leaders: Our Internal Relationships Are Vitally Important

True success is not about how much money we make, it’s about our relationships, our helping others succeed.                                   I am blessed to hear wonderful sermons at my local parish church. While the messages are about our values and how we lead our lives, I often feel that they...

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4 Traits That Fuel Success

What does it mean to be a success or to have success?  How will you know when you’ve made it?  Most of the images we see of success involve some version of wealth and affluence—diamonds, yachts and private planes.  What is often missing is the story behind the stuff—what was the path successful...

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Work at Home: All Work and No Playdough

In a recent Twitter conversation about finding work that fits your life, Pamela La Gioia, the CEO of Chicago-based Telework Recruiting, wisely pointed out that flex work is not a substitute for child care. Pamela’s company helps professionals find work that can be done at home, but she knows that...

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As Leaders In Business, What Is Our Calling?

“Allow the way to your great work to be guided by your service to others.” ~ Mollie Marti What is our purpose in life? That is a question that could be discussed for hours and is worthy of our attention. I pose it because I believe how we lead our personal lives has an appropriate bearing on who...

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5 Keys To Drive Employee Engagement

Collaboration – Creativity – Connection – Celebration  - Contribution Does this sound familiar? You lack energy to go to work.  Work feels like a paycheck and you focus your passions elsewhere. You want to make things better but you’re tired of your ideas not being heard, so why bother?  If this...

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Do You Have Work-Life Confidence?

Women who successfully blend work and life have a healthy dose of what I call “Vitamin C” or Confidence. They know that no area of your life will ever be perfect for a sustained period of time—and that it is possible to blend work and life without feeling like you’re shortchanging your job or your...

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Are We Using Our Leadership Gifts?

“A rising tide lifts all boats.” ~John F. Kennedy Recently, I heard a sermon at church that resonated within me. In the Gospel, Jesus said to his disciples, “You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world.” The message was not that we can be the salt and the light; rather, we are...

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3 Ways to Make Your Work More Meaningful

Why do you do what you do?  That was the question I set out to answer after re-watching Simon Sinek’s hugely popular TED talk called “How Great Leaders Inspire Action.”  His theory is that too many companies talk about what they do and how they do it, when instead, they should lead with why they...

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