work-life balance

How Do You Know It’s Time To Ask For Help?

How do you know when you're ready to ask for help and receive it with arms wide open. How do you know when it's time to grow into a new version of you? We think everyone experiences these growth times a bit differently and we enjoy how Mitch shares her current growth stage with us all. Welcome...

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Why Am I So Lonely with Friends?

At this time of year it's not unusual for all of us - even those surrounded with family and friends - to feel a little disconnected and even lonely in the middle of the bustle of things. Why am I so lonely with friends? We think the way Marcia reveals her own struggle with this dynamic is helpful....

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Maxed Out – 6 Sources of Work Stress for Moms and Non-Moms

Moms know how much stress they're under, but what does a non-mom work stress expert think? We really appreciate that Paula took a look at stress through a mother's eyes in today's post where she reviewed the new book by Katrina Alcorn, Maxed Out. Along the way, Paula teaches us all about stress...

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Setting Priorities and Saying No

We all know we should set priorities and say no more easily and more often, but why don't we DO it more often? We love how Emily let's us peek into her head for some important insights on this important work-life-boundaries issue. ~InPower Editors I’m writing this because I’m procrastinating. I...

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Straightforward Advice from a Friend

I had the good fortune to have a wonderful conversation with my friend, Meg Mannion, sitting on our front porch this week up in Charlevoix, Michigan. Meg has an important position with CBL & Associates Properties, a N.Y. Stock Exchange real estate investment trust and a major owner of regional...

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A Note to New Career Moms

The other day I found myself at the doctor’s office for the second time in two weeks. I wasn’t sick. My kids were. First, one caught a virus and juuusssst as he was starting to feel better – poof! – he gave the same freakin’ germs to his brother. “If I know what’s wrong, can’t I just give one kid...

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When FMLA Doesn’t Work

Two months ago, I gave birth to my first child, a beautiful little girl named Madelyn. When she was a week old, I was back to work. Because, as a freelancer, I didn't get maternity leave. Trying to meet a deadline while learning to be a new mom was exhausting. I was breastfeeding for the first...

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