October 11: Vreneli Stadelmaier discusses imposter syndrome

by | Oct 4, 2016 | Coffee Break

We hear that women suffer from the imposter syndrome, but what exactly is it?
Here is Vreneli’s succinct description of the imposter syndrome:
The first time you get driving lessons, it is very exciting so you will feel insecure. That makes sense. You have never driven a car before. At the same time, you know that the biggest idiot can get a driving licence, so why not you? These are healthy thoughts. But then, a little voice in your head yells: well I’m sure you can’t do that because you are always so clumsy! Soon everyone will find out that you are not even able to get your driving licence! If you can’t fight that feeling off, you suffer from the impostor syndrome. Rationally, you know that you are perfectly capable of doing it, but you are still afraid of being found out. That fear and insecurity can be very paralyzing and you will be even more susceptible to these feelings in case of new challenges, such as job interviews, a new job, or in a conflict situation.
Vreneli Stadelmaier created a company, SheConsult, to help women conquer imposter syndrome. Watch our second video discussion with Vreneli on how the Imposter Syndrome affects your career.

Nederland, Weesp, 01-04-2015Vreneli Stadelmaier Zij schreef het boek ‘Fuck die onzekerheid’, een zelfhulpboek voor vrouwen die lijden aan het bedriegerssyndroom/impostor syndrome, ofwel de angst om door de mand te vallenFoto Marco Okhuizen

About Vreneli Stadelmaier

Holding an MBA, registered coach, source of inspiration, speaker, entrepreneur, author, blogger and publisher. She owns the company SheConsult, which addresses imposter syndrome in women. You can get a copy of her book, Sure She Can to better understand her approach to overcome imposter syndrome. In 2015, winner of the prestigious Joke Smit Award for gender equality, awarded by the Dutch government. Divorced, married again (with another man), mother of three children and two bonus children*.


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