Everyone wants to change. The airwaves are full of tempting enticements to cause change in our bodies, our minds and our relationships, but the real process of change is so much more organic and subtle than a pill or piece of exercise equipment can deliver. When I was a little kid I was afraid of...
Dana Theus
3 Communication Tips for Women: Be Realistically Positive To Avoid Being Called “Risk Averse”
As a rule, women are good communicators. Yet many women are told that their communications patterns are holding them back when it comes to workplace success. What’s going on here? For starters, the above observation is full of generalizations. “All women” aren’t “good” at stuff any more than “all...
Getting Itchy At Work? Maybe It’s Time To Start Your Proactive Passive Job Search
Every job has it’s turning point, that time when you’re not learning as much as fast; or you’re losing interest; or starting to figure out what you really want to put your career energy into… even though you’re not quite ready to declare the job you’re in “ready to go.” It’s this “itchy point”...
Freedom of Choice: A State Of Mind
Yes, many organizations and governments are oppressive and need to be voted and fought against. But true freedom of choice is a state of mind. How can you tell? In any community, regardless of circumstance, you can find people who bear the burden of the rules around them differently. There are...
How To Start A “Happily Enough Employed” Job Search
If you’re “happily enough employed”, can you really be in a job search? Yes! In the career development world we call this a “passive job search” and it’s been shown that people who are happy where they are usually get the best job offers to go somewhere else and they’ll be even happier! To the...
Solopreneurship – 3 Oxymoronic Ways to Climb The Corporate Ladder
What does it mean to be IN power when you’re working for yourself? The answer to that question, I believe, is meaningful for all of us – even those with bosses who climb the corporate ladder, live in cubes or on airplanes, slogging away on either side of the glass ceiling (which is there for some...
3 Things I Wish I’d Known in My First Management Job
My first management job was a disaster. I was one of four analysts working on a client account. My boss was getting annoyed dealing with all of us and our silly just-out-of-grad-school questions. He didn't like editing our client memos because he had more important things to do. He liked me and...
Mental Health: 3 Strategies for Success in Coaching Or Therapy
Happy National Mental Health Month! Since this is a month we're all given the opportunity to consider our mental health, and its role in our wellness and the wellness of those around us, I thought I'd explore the questions that often comes up when I'm speaking with new clients. Should I get a...
Stop Worrying – Choose Trust
Who doesn’t worry? Anxiety and worry are a fact of life for most people. Certainly all my clients find that anxious worrying constantly drains their energy. Sometimes they carry around a general level of anxiety they’re not even aware of. This unconscious worry simply depletes them until they...
Personality Assessments and Beginner’s Mind
I recently had one of those moments that caused me to take myself down a notch. I took one of the personality assessments I’ve used with clients (one designed especially for women on the leadership track) and didn’t like some of the results. When Valerie was coaching me on my results I got grumpy...