A common theme among the women I coach–at all levels–is a clear awareness of the gender gap in workplace ambition and confusion about how to navigate it. Key Takeaways Understanding Gendered Ambition Norms: Many women feel pressured to choose between achievement and agreeableness due to societal...
Dana Theus
Which Double Standard for Women Applies To You? All of Them?
Double standard for women in leadership is an age-old problem, but it turns out that it's not just a problem for leaders; it's a problem for all women in the workplace. Key Takeaways: Numerous Double Standards: The article highlights the plethora of double standards for women in the workplace,...
Are Women Better Leaders Than Men? Exploring the Leadership Gender Gap
Are women better leaders than men? The answer is a paradox: research says that women display more positive leadership characteristics than men but that most people believe that good leaders act more like men. Exploring these contradictions paints a fascinating picture of the incongruity between...
Can you get to the top without playing office politics?
Office politics is as much a part of work as drawing a salary. And yet, I don’t know anyone who wants more of it. In fact, many clients come to me because they feel stymied in their career advancement goals because they perceive “office politics” to be getting in their way. People blame office...
Introducing The Woman Effect!
Originally written in 2012 to announce The Woman Effect, I still stand by this and will be updating it in 2024. Stay tuned! Have you noticed the steady drumbeat of research studies coming out over the last 15 years - I mean real, serious research - that find that when more than 30% of an...
Activating The Woman Effect
First written and posted in 2012, I still stand by this philosophy, and am updating it in 2024. Stay tuned! This last year blogging here on Reclaiming Leadership has been fun and fascinating. Along the way I found myself speaking to and with wonderful, powerful women. And I've also been having fun...
Daydream Stress Reduction
To kick off Stress Awareness Month, Dana let her mind wander and this is what came out. – InPower Editors I’ve been working hard lately and last week I hit a wall. My brain couldn’t take another step and it took me 20 minutes to write a two paragraph email simply because I felt so sluggish and...
Does Women’s Emotional Intelligence Help Us Get Into Leadership?
Is women's emotional intelligence (EQ) likely to help you or hurt you when you're on the leadership track? How well do you handle your emotions at work? Too many women and men read that question as a damnation of women who can’t control their emotions in the office. In fact, it’s more important...
Dear Dana Career Advice: Can I Change A Toxic Corporate Culture Or Should I Leave?
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Dear Dana, I loved your article on why my dream job isn’t a dream! It sums up how I’ve been...
What’s Your Dream Job and How Can Knowing it Light Up Your Soul?
Let’s face it: work is work. Even the best dream job turns into a daily grind eventually. And what if you’re in a job search? Looking for a job is work, too! What can make work less work? Hint: know the answer to the question “What’s your dream job?” Wait. You may be asking: Is it even...