Dana Theus

Activating The Woman Effect

First written and posted in 2012, I still stand by this philosophy, and am updating it in 2024. Stay tuned! This last year blogging here on Reclaiming Leadership has been fun and fascinating. Along the way I found myself speaking to and with wonderful, powerful women. And I've also been having fun...

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Daydream Stress Reduction

To kick off Stress Awareness Month, Dana let her mind wander and this is what came out. – InPower Editors I’ve been working hard lately and last week I hit a wall. My brain couldn’t take another step and it took me 20 minutes to write a two paragraph email simply because I felt so sluggish and...

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The Cost of Analysis Paralysis

Most of the time when I tell people that I am researching women and business, the conversation wanders into what I now think of as “the analysis paralysis” conundrum in which we try to suss out the why’s of women’s place in society. Here are common themes that come up. Women are more collaborative...

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Toss The To Do Lists – Set Your Intention And Lead

I no longer believe in ToDo lists. I sometimes use them to help clear my mind of stuff that’s in the way of important thoughts, BUT, I have found that in being productive, in running effective meetings and even in moving projects along a diffuse and choppy timeline, lists of 5, 7 or 10 things are...

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Soap vs. You: A Leader’s Guide to Branding

Back in the old days, companies did branding and people did leading. Not so today. Now-a-days if you want to get into, or stay in, leadership and other positions of influence you must have personal branding. In our overwhelmed world, brands – both personal and commercial - consolidate the...

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Lighten Your Soul at Work: How to Declutter Your ToDo List

How do you plan to lighten your soul in the new year? Do you look forward to a new year with anticipation and hope? Or is it more like dread? My clients often tell me that even if they’re excited about the challenges on the horizon in the coming year, they’re overwhelmed with what’s currently on...

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