I’m excited to interview Lizzy McGrory, who turned her own struggles to be a successful working mom into a coaching practice that helps working moms find their power from the inside out. She’s written a book about it, too, which is full of practical tips, advice and exercises. We believe this...
Dana Theus
Tips for WorkLife Blending [VIDEO]
No matter how much “flexibility” we get in our office, we all struggle to get it all done in our worklife. This cross generational video discussion takes a look at the realities of worklife “blending” from the employee’s and employer’s point of view, and gives us all some tips. Join the...
5 Steps to Getting Back In Control
Sometimes we feel yanked around by our work—our life—or both. We can’t get on top of the pile. We can’t even stop to catch our breath. The list of stuff we’re not doing crushes the list of stuff we’ve accomplished. We can’t breathe and feel helpless and out of control. All this means is that we’ve...
5 Steps to Getting Back In Control
We all have those times where we feel out of control and overwhelmed. Instead of getting upset about it, and even more anxious, Dana reminds us that some simple lessons we learned as a kid can help us get back on top of our schedule and—more importantly—our energy. – InPower Editors Sometimes we...
Leadership Strategies: Leading From the Middle
Traditional leadership paradigms are pretty “top down,” but as modern leadership gurus help us see that such hierarchical decision-making structures are reaching their limits, it’s time to start exploring ways that employees can lead from the middle. Conveniently for those who want to rise in the...
Not Time – Energy! Updating the Work-Life Balance Debate
Does it seem like the perpetual issue of “work-life balance” is getting old and worn out? Have we given up on it or is it just time to evolve to a different way of thinking about managing our energy as we accomplish things at work and life our life? – InPower Editors When The Atlantic published...
3 Ways Managing Millennials Will Make You a Better Leader
Is it just us or is there a lot of negative talk about the millennial generation these days? We’re getting kindof sick of it because we see plenty of opportunity coming into the workforce with these young adults. First and foremost is the opportunity to become a better leader for us “older folk.”...
Why Does Equal Pay Really Matter?
There is no question that women and minorities are not at salary parity with white males in our business culture. They are not. But the prevailing myth that this is an evil plot to oppress us doesn’t fly with me, because when you look under the covers of equal pay, things get much more complex. In...
How to Be a Good Mentor (Coach Leader)
We talk so much about how important it is to have a mentor, but Dana thinks (and we agree) that we should also talk about important it is to BE a mentor – at any stage in your career. Who can you mentor to help you develop the important “coaching” leadership skills that will help you motivate and...
Managing People – Do We Really Do That?
My first management experience was a disaster. I had a poor manager myself and was told to “be in charge” of a group of my peers, who did not report to me and had no particular reason to do what I told them to do. It turned into a backstabbing circus within hours. What I learned from that...