Despite being the #1 recruiting trend for 2018 for businesses, and despite decades of trying to improve workforce diversity demographics in the workplace, the commercial sector has made little progress. I believe this supports the theory that homogeneous workplaces are more the result of...
Dana Theus
6 Dynamics of Transformation – for Your Business and Your Life
Good leaders need to be reasonable managers, able to make sure the important stuff gets done from day to day, but a true leader’s potential is discovered and exercised during times of business transformation. It is in those times that the leaders truly change the world.
Intentions vs Goals: The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Personal Success
Ever found yourself wondering about the effectiveness of your goals and how they align with your overarching life ambitions? ‘Intentions vs goals’ is not a competition. Both are important to your overall success, but most of us pay way too much attention to goals and not enough to intentions. Both...
Tapping Your Inner Coach With Expressive Writing
Can an exercise in “expressive writing” reduce your stress, improve your mood and help you get ahead in your career? The answer is yes. Before I started coaching, I took a wandering, self-improvement journey. I quickly discovered that I had a secret “inner coach” living in my head who had amazing...
Leadership Test: Integrity During The Holidays
Lessons for leadership. The holidays are a stressful time for all of us, when we struggle with work-life balance (or not) and work to serve our business and our families with equal gusto, too often at the expense of ourselves. This month when things are so crazy, I’m reminded that the holidays are...
6 Lessons Learned on the Work-Life Jungle Gym
Sheryl Sandberg contributed many valuable insights to professional women in her book, Lean In. The one that hit me most squarely was her analogy of a career as a jungle gym instead of a ladder. Truer words have never been written, and I think this is a major contribution to the discussion of...
Why You Want a Seat at the Table Early in Your Career
I won’t pretend that I see every trend or can put my finger on THE solution to how to achieve gender parity in leadership, however, I do notice a few things I believe can help women gain important perspectives. One thing that’s popped up in my practice lately are conversations about a...
Want An Executive Job? 4 Tricks To Get Out Of The Weeds
In a previous post about job interview tips, I outlined the findings of several research studies about advancing your career – especially for professional women in leadership who want to land a C-suite executive job. The research basically pointed up the following: If targeting a C-suite job,...
Inside Out Change
Key Takeaways: Reframing Change Management: Change management models often fail to account for the internal change needed within individuals for successful implementation. Creating the Right Conditions: Successful change management requires preparing, including, and empowering people to...
Microaggression – Everything You Say Matters
How you say things matters Hurt is hurt, no matter how small the words that carry the offense. Choose to speak powerfully, as though everything you say matters. Because it does. This is how we roll back the negative impact of microagression in our society. You can’t often tell what impact your...