Throughout my career I’ve had experiences with government, nonprofit and corporate cultures, and I’ve noticed a leadership pattern in all three that leaders can learn from. Consensus means different things to different people. Be brave. Do Your Job. Don’t take the ”easy” path. The word consensus...
Dana Theus
Speak Your Truth To Power – High Risk/High Reward
Almost half of respondents from a recent survey (48%) say they withhold their truth more than 25% of the time. Why? Because 82% say they’ve been penalized in the past for speaking up, being pushed aside, minimized and even losing their jobs. When I asked this question in discussion forums and in the survey, some of the emotions were raw. People feel that their integrity is at stake when something important is on the line and most (76%) feel regret when they decide to bite their tongues. But there’s a silver lining here if you want to advance your career and feel like you’re taking your whole self to the office every day (i.e., most of us) – 72% said that speaking truth to power actually got them ahead! You can learn to negotiate this professional development minefield to help advance your career and maintain your integrity at the same time. Read the full post for more stats and insights. Download the survey results free and register for the new eCourse, Speak Your Truth to Power.
What You & An Air Force General Have in Common – The Path To Leadership
When I first met Lieutenant General Judith Fedder, I was immediately struck by her poise and presence. Then I noticed the three stars on her shoulder and wanted to know about her experience with power and leadership as one of the most senior ranking women in the military. She was very open and...
5 Things You Can Do To Help Your Company – Leadership Right Now
In recognition of the fact that a company with women in roughly 30% of its leadership tend to produce healthier and stronger performing companies, there are lots of good programs out there trying to help women. But should we really wait for HR to come up with a great program?
Seriously – it’s not about the special programs. It’s about you and me and what we do every day to create the culture we live in – and to create a culture that welcomes the gifts women bring into the leadership ranks. Culture is created by the behaviors we tolerate and those we don’t. This doesn’t just apply to women.
Men and women both bear responsibility for helping lead their companies and create a strong culture – no matter what their title is.
Personally what can we do?
Dear Dana Job Seeker Advice: When is the best time for a job search?
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our occasional column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. We posted this at the beginning of the year, but since I'm getting more questions about timing for a job search now, I thought I'd post it again. Year-end is the perfect time to start getting ready for...
3 Stages of Career Transition: Putting Yourself “Out There” For a Job Search
Maybe you’re a little bored. Maybe you’re too comfortable. Maybe you hate your boss. Maybe you’re about to be laid off. Maybe you’re just operating below your top capacity. Maybe you’re not sure it’s time for a job search, but you’re thinking about it anyway. Wherever you’re at, even if you’re...
6 Things You can Do When You’ve Had Enough Of Sexual Discrimination & Self-Sabotage
Every woman reaches a point at least once in her life (most of us, many more), where the frustration of sexual discrimination, subtle undermining or personal self-sabotage we learned at the knee of the dominant culture smacks us in the face. You know it. It’s that moment of wordless disbelief,...
Conflict Management Trick: RIGHT vs. RIGHT
Every time I do a leadership training seminar at least one person in the room always has the same light bulb go off when I introduce the Conflict Management idea of RIGHT vs. RIGHT, described in Chris McGoff’s The PRIMES. You can see it in their eyes when they are able to perceive an alternative...
Dear Dana Workplace Advice: Why Should I Bother Feeling Grateful For a Crappy Boss?
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our regular column on career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Dear Dana, I’ve been having a tough time at work lately (crappy boss etc.) and my sister keeps telling...
Solving Employee Engagement on the Front Lines
As the job market tightens, and growth plans become constrained by the inability to hire people, many executives are talking about the importance of employee turnover and engagement. On the one hand I’m happy to see this. Employee well-being is key to a healthy business. However, I’m dismayed to...