Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Currently, I am working for a software company that makes software for the public sector. I have...
Dana Theus
Dear Dana Workplace Advice: Salary Negotiations Tip – Don’t Tell Them What They Don’t Ask
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Dear Dana, I have found that all three websites I've used to apply for jobs have a requirement...
Holding Space for Discomfort
Recently I had to deliver some bad news. Of course my first impulse was to sugar-coat it to try to ease the other’s pain. Being an experienced coach (and parent) I knew this was a bad idea. In the end, the person would either fool themselves into not understanding what I was saying, make excuses...
3 Ways To Recognize Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the new miracle ingredient for corporate culture. Too bad it doesn't come in pill form! While there is more and more written on the benefits of Emotional Intelligence in the workplace every day, the general lack of it in many work environments can make it hard to...
The Glass Ceiling: Sometimes It’s Not About Sex
There’s merit to the feminist narrative that says professional women aren’t hired for the top jobs as often because corporate cultures aren’t accommodating and sexism still exists – but sometimes it’s not about that at all. Sometimes, high-achieving women leaders are just not ready, or we...
What’s the Secret To Achieving Your Goals?
We’re all surrounded by goals. ToDo lists. Management Objectives. Career Goals. Personal Goals. [Tweet "You name it, we’ve got a goal about it."] Why is it we feel sometimes that achieving your goals is so hard? In my experience, our biggest limitation when it comes to setting goals is that we...
What’s Your Purpose? [Video]
Why it important to tap into your "purpose" to help you succeed in your career? The discussion of your life's purpose is talked about a lot, but still not well understood by many women. Join Executive Coach Dana Theus and Purpose Coach, Carin Rockind in a live video discussion of the relationship...
Fearlessness: The Key To Effective Feedback
Feedback is so important to our careers and effectiveness, and yet it freaks so many of us out. What can we do to get better at giving and receiving feedback? - InPower Editors When you think about it, giving and receiving feedback is pretty much all communication is. You talk. I listen. Then I...
Communicating Powerfully
Have you ever noticed how many leadership development resources emphasize effective communication? How many bosses will mark you down (or up!) for your communication skills? Have you ever thought about why it's so important for your career success to be a good communicator? In ancient times, some...
Women in STEM – Interview with a Female NASA Leader [VIDEO]
The stats still aren’t good for women in executive leadership, but they’re particularly poor in STEM careers (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math). Today at 3:30pm Eastern, Dana will interview Teresa Vanhooser, Deputy Director of NASA Marshall Space Flight Center about women, leadership...