Dana Theus

New Beginnings

New Years Day is a special time for many reasons. Primarily it’s a time when the world slows down and gives you the choice to take a breath, review where you’ve been and decide how you want to start again. We’re here to help. Take stock of 2014 with a free InPower Workbook from the InPower Coffee...

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Feminism is Trending Down?

What does it mean when people are less interested in the word “feminism” than they used to be? Dana sees it as a good sign that the equality ideals of feminism are becoming broadly accepted. What do you think? – InPower Editors According to Google, people are searching less on the term “feminism”...

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Is Office Politics Holding You Back?

We’ve heard some women point at “office politics” for why they don’t care much about getting ahead, and even some who don’t let it stop them hold their nose and deal with it. Sometimes this is an excuse and sometimes it’s not. Dana takes a hard look at what is really going on behind the “office...

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New Year’s Intentions and Career Planning

New year’s day only comes once a year, and it offers us an opportunity to create a beginning like no other day. We like how Dana uses this day to do some intuitive career planning. But seriously, why wait until New Years to plan your future? Whatever you do today, enjoy the beginning. – InPower...

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Merry Christmas!

For all who celebrate, may today be the most Merry of Christmases. For those who don't celebrate this particular day, we wish you the joy of the season and the opportunity to enjoy the world as it slows down for just a bit. Peace.

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3 Steps: How To Deal With Rejection

A client and I recently strategized what I thought was an awesome move for her… and she emailed me back a few minutes after we hung up with this simple statement: “My boss said no.” I was disappointed for her because the approach would really have positioned her well among her peers and superiors....

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Happy Thanksgiving!

On this day of Thanksgiving here in the States, I want to say that I'm grateful for so many things in my life, including and especially you, the readers of InPower Women. Actually, it's not just me. All of us here at InPower Women are grateful for your strength, your positivity and your personal...

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Ladies, Is Your Good Work Helping You In Getting Ahead?

Intro: Many women tell us that they do good work, get good results and still arne't getting ahead. What gives? “Getting ahead” isn’t always such a simple formula and we like how Dana provides insight into how to get out of the “results trap” and achieve career success. – InPower Editors If you...

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Don’t Get Caught In the Results Trap!

If you produce excellent results but don’t feel like you’re moving up the leadership ladder (or around the jungle gym) fast enough, take a look to see if you’re excellent work is holding you back. Here’s what it feels like to be stuck in the results trap: You do good work, produce good results and...

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