Guest Author

5 Ways to Get More Comfortable With Chaos

So much stress results from our sense of chaos. Most of us are not comfortable with chaos, and we need to be! When we feel out of control we tense up, releasing all that stress-hormone confusion into our body and brain. Lex reminds us that a certain amount of chaos is inevitable. When we get used...

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Are Women Really the Secret Sauce to Business Success?

Happy International Women’s Day! We’re celebrating today with another guest post from Hattie looking at the paradoxical phenomenon of China’s tech giant, Alibaba, and how they create a corporate culture that includes more women in business and leadership roles than the vast majority of U.S....

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How to Dress for Work: The Casual Dilemma

As we come closer to Spring, would-be graduates are starting to stream towards the workforce. One issue they always need support on: how to dress for work. Appropriate workwear is more complicated than it seems because it’s one of the most visible expressions of our personal brand. That’s why we...

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Managing Up!

The term “managing up” sometimes gets a bad rap. It can seem self-serving and manipulative. At Living Vicky we help young women new to the workforce overcome negative stereotypes.  For entry-level young professionals we recommend taking a proactive and genuine approach to interacting with the...

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Negotiation Tactics to Land a Win-Win Deal

You might not know it, but you negotiate all the time. We all do. Our negotiations might be small or insignificant, such as negotiating with your roommate or partner which chores you will own each week. Some are quite significant, such as negotiating the terms of a year-long contract with a client...

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Why Collaboration is the Key to Success in Business

In business class, I learned the importance of having a good marketing strategy and approach to customer retention. What I realized through working in consulting however, is that these strategies don’t happen overnight. Behind the scenes, collaboration fosters these types of successful business...

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Leadership, the Imposter Syndrome, and Being REAL

Do you ever feel like an imposter? Like someone will figure out you aren't up to the job you have? Guess what? The Imposter Syndrome is a thing. And it's a thing all kinds of leaders learn to deal with and overcome. Women. Men. Even people like you who are in exactly the right place at the right...

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