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3 Essential Tips To Ace Your Job Interview
Congratulations! You got the job interview! It’s totally normal to feel excited and anxious when you get the call or email. It’s also normal to want to dive into preparing, but before you do, take a pause and look at how much time you have to get ready. Use that time...
Dear Dana Career Coaching: Resume Advice
Q: If you have held multiple positions at the same company, is it better to list those separately or grouped together on your resume and highlight that you were promoted multiple times? - Curious in New York A: Generally speaking you want to optimize resume space so...
Why Your Dream Job Isn’t a Just a Dream
If you could wave your magic wand and have the job of your dreams, would you? You might be surprised how many people have to stop and think about that question. I recently had a client who was so beaten down by her employer, doubting her own value, that she was afraid...
November 29: Dana Theus and Mary Brodie discuss: What’s next after you get laid-off?
We have been talking with people who have been getting laid-off over the past few weeks. It seems that people are falling into two groups with very different goals: Those who are panicking at the thought of finding a new job over the holidays, knowing that most...
Dear Dana Career Coaching: Seeking New Opportunities
Welcome to “Dear Dana,” our Friday column to give you career coaching workplace advice and coaching. Please write in and tell me about a frustration you’re facing at the office and I’ll publish my answer in an upcoming column. We’re also discussing these topics...
The Myth of Hard Work: Maybe You’re Really Not Enough
I’m a positive person and the recent election in the U.S. has dealt my positivity a serious blow. But I will do my best to turn it into a lesson we can all learn from. A week ago the world watched as a highly qualified Wellesley and Yale educated public servant, with...
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Leadership Skills Outside Your Comfort Zone
So you’ve just gotten that great opportunity you’ve wanted for so long. You got the promotion! Woo hoo! You settle into your new office, put the higher pay in your monthly budget, meet your colleagues, receive the key to the bathroom and put that first board meeting...
Are You Missing The “Potent Pixels” of Leadership?
I’ve noticed that leaders often have very interesting notions of what constitutes ‘leadership.’ Some managers view leadership as something that exists outside and apart from them. They think of leaders as only those who make the grand speeches and set sweeping...
Do Women Need a Mentor to Succeed?
Every young professional hears it: “Get a mentor!” Many companies invest in mentoring programs, especially for women aspiring to advance. But do mentor programs pay off –– for the mentors and the mentees? My clients and I have had positive experiences, but, who knows?...
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Career Advice
What’s Your Purpose? [Video]
Why it important to tap into your "purpose" to help you succeed in your career? The discussion of your life's purpose is talked about a lot, but still not well understood by many women. Join Executive Coach Dana Theus and Purpose Coach, Carin Rockind in a live video...
You Are What You Think: The Significance of Your Word Choices
What if everything you said mattered? Would you speak differently? Most of us would. Mary takes it to a whole new level, and helps us understand the importance of our words. - InPower Editors Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they...
Fearlessness: The Key To Effective Feedback
Feedback is so important to our careers and effectiveness, and yet it freaks so many of us out. What can we do to get better at giving and receiving feedback? - InPower Editors When you think about it, giving and receiving feedback is pretty much all communication is....
Women in Leadership
3 Ways the Millennial Generation Can Help Your Company Get Real
As a species humans love to complain, and we seem to really love to complain about the younger generations. However, it’s time to give the kid-bashing a rest and look at the ways that working with the millennial generation (18-30 years old) helps us be better leaders...
Is that Work-Life Roadblock Really You?
We all face work-life challenges and all our challenges have a dimension where we contribute to the problem. This doesn't make it "our fault" but it does give us a place to start in removing the roadblock! Don't worry, there's another one waiting... and the more we...
Research Says: Growing Talent Pool of Women Leadership Pays Off
Study: Unlocking The Full Potential Of Women (McKinsey 2011, Barsh, Yee) Finding: The talent pipeline for women into senior management starts to diminish at the Director level, generating a shrinking talent pool for the C-Suite ranks. InPower Insight: Companies need...
Diversity & Inclusion
Infograghic: A Woman’s Place In The World
The United states ranked 19th on the list of best and worst places to be a woman in the world. Norway came in at the top and Somalia rounded out the bottom. The findings of this research, conducted by Save The Children, were taken from an in depth look at the health,...
Man Up on Family and Workplace Issues: A Response to Anne-Marie Slaughter
By: Kunal Modi A response to Anne-Marie Slaughter's article in TheAtlantic entitled "Why Women Still Can't Have It All." For weeks, Anne-Marie Slaughter's recent op-ed in the Atlantic, "Why Women Still Can't Have It All," has ricocheted across traditional and social...
Work-Life Power: Why Sandberg & Slaughter “Have It All” Wrong
Last week, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Princeton Professor extraordinaire and former State Department Policy Director, took a break from writing about Syria and US-Mexican relations to write a sincere and heart-felt article in The Atlantic lamenting the reality that as...