The internet makes it possible to become popular and visible so much more easily than has ever been possible before. And it looks so easy! Corey Blake is here to show us that it's not easy at all, but it is very doable. Got a message to get out to the world? Enjoy the journey - and journey it is!...
Career Development
Leaders: How are You Taking Care of Yourself?
You know you should take care of yourself, but you don't. But you should! Here's the catch, when you don't take care of yourself you're less able to care for others. It seems nonsensical, but it's true. Also, how can others learn to care for themselves if you don't let them practice? Do it! Take...
Make Better Decisions for Yourself
Anna had the opportunity to apply for a high-paying consulting job but she had procrastinated so long the deadline was looming. She called me to help her figure out what to do. At her current job, she had been a successful team leader and agreed to take on a struggling team to prove she could turn...
4 Tips for Creating Business Success
By: Sumi Krishnan Don’t just rely on your vision — find business success by developing a solid plan. “What are you, my daughter’s age?” I clearly remember not being taken seriously. I was an engineer with a few years of experience under my belt, trying to fight my way to entrepreneurial success in...
Don’t Ignore Your Career Path Nudges
Do you know what your next career opportunity looks like? Look deep into your heart and soul and you'll find all kinds of dreams there waiting to lead you to your next - amazing - career opportunity. - InPower Editors “I don’t know what I want to do next” is a comment I hear regularly from many...
The REAL Key to Connection
We know that we're supposed to treat others with respect, but sometimes we forget we deserve it too. Emily reminds us how very powerful this gift can be. - InPower Editors In my career, I’ve been lucky. Call it the right place. The right time. Fate. Chance. Who knows. But I’ve been blessed with...
Maintain Boundaries: Treat Your Manager Like Your Client
There is more in common between a consultant and employee than you may think. I have worked in both roles, and I think I wear my consultant hat more often as an employee. Consultants have a sense of boundaries that helps one focus on work and think beyond assigned tasks to create visions and...
Reinventing the Power Lunch to Grow Personally and Professionally
By: Mary Ray A couple of years ago, NPR did a piece on the origin of the power lunch. In short, the famed power lunch started at the Four Seasons in NYC and was the epitome of status. Under the guise of cutting deals, VIPs (from politicians to CEOs and celebrities of the week) would contribute to...
Work-Life Balance: Return to Work While the Going’s Good
What's the cost of opting out of the workforce, for a little while or a long while? Many women don't do the calculation of what they lose by staying at home to take care of kids - and parents! Go in eyes open, as Kathryn advises. - InPower Editors So often women tell me that they’ll return to work...
Are You Putting Your Superpowers to Work?
Do you have a super power? Of course you do! It's what you do best and when you know what it is and work to build your success around it, you might be unstoppable! Henna shows us how. - InPower Editors If I asked you “What’s your superpower,” would you be able to articulate it? John Henry, the...