Leaders: How are You Taking Care of Yourself?

by | Apr 7, 2015 | Career Development, Coaching Advice, Leadership

You know you should take care of yourself, but you don’t. But you should! Here’s the catch, when you don’t take care of yourself you’re less able to care for others. It seems nonsensical, but it’s true. Also, how can others learn to care for themselves if you don’t let them practice? Do it! Take care of yourself – starting now! – InPower Editors

By: Mary Schaefer

How taking care of yourself impacts your effectiveness and theirs.

“My wish is that one day we all embrace the belief that there is an inestimable power and potential in human beings treating each other humanly.” – Click To Tweet

Human beings, being human.  At work.

For me, what’s missing at work is being human, which means acknowledging human needs, such as the need to contribute, to be appreciated, to make a difference, and to belong.  You could say these comprise a big part of what makes us human.

I have talked about this from the perspective of how leaders must adapt to ensure they create an environment that allows organization members to get these needs met.  And yet lately I’m feeling like it is even more important that leaders focus on ensuring these needs are met in themselves, first.

You can’t take care of them until you take care of yourself first.

It’s like the analogy about putting on your own oxygen mask before putting one on your child in an airplane.  Really, how can we possibly really lead others, set a good example, inspire and create an environment where human needs are supported and facilitated, until we’ve addressed these needs for ourselves first?
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Stop digging yourself a hole because you’ve lost touch with how your own choices impact your productivity and well-being, for that matter.  What about your need to contribute, to be appreciated, to make a difference, and to belong (among others)?  Take a look at what you actually need and give yourself permission to get it.  This is a starting point for empowerment.

It only makes sense that you have to know what it feels like first, to get your needs met, in order to facilitate and support your employees’ human needs.  This is important because (I’ll let you in on a little secret)  your employees are only as effective and empowered as you allow yourself to be.

So, today, what are you going to do to support your needs, as a leader and a human being?

Take charge of your career development to get the job that supports your work and your life. Check out the tools and resources in the InPower Coaching Career Center.

Get our free career health guidelines for dealing with difficult people and stress at work.



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