Career Development

When Was The Last Time You Took A Day Off?

Taking unstructured time to BE is a critical tool in your productivity and effectiveness bag of tricks. How often do you use it? Take a day off like Leslie did and see what happens! - InPower Editors I did a really good thing last week: I went on a 24-hour personal retreat. From noon on Monday to...

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How to Be Your Best 24/7 [Video]

It’s easy to get paranoid thinking that the people who can be helping your career are watching you 24x7, and it’s easy to become exhausted trying to impress everyone all the time. But the fact is that you are always surrounded by people how can help you. How can you shine all the time without...

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Tips for Reentering the Workforce for Lawyers and All Of Us

We all know that if we leave the workforce - to care for children or aging parents - re-entry will be tough. John's review of an inspiring and informative talk given by someone who's learned this firsthand, Susan Smith Blakey, holds nuggets of gold advice for lawyers (Susan's profession) and many...

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Do Hard: How Personal Challenges Can Accelerate Your Career

We have opportunities to push ourselves all the time in life. What do you do with those opportunities? Do you grab them and go for it or hang back and wait for something easier? Dana comes clean on her lifelong patterns and steps up to new ways to Do Hard, which is one of the strategies she gives...

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How Do You Know Mindful Leadership Is Working?

Becoming an InPower leader means becoming mindful. But what does that look like? Feel like? Emily does a great job explaining why sometimes those questions are so hard to answer! But so important to pursue. - InPower Editor If there’s one question I get asked more than any other, it’s how you’re...

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Leading Employees – The Happy Way!

When you're leading a team, sometimes it tough to know when you're doing things right. We like Paula's simple descriptions of happy employees because it's easy to recognize success through her eyes. Are your employees happy? - InPower Editor When was the last time you jumped out of bed, excited...

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How to Attract an Executive Career Sponsor

Research continues to show us that mentorship is not enough to help women get into senior executive leadership in significant percentages. What the research says is that in addition to cultivating mentors to help them “learn the ropes,” the folks that leapfrog their peers into the executive ranks...

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Life Transformation: From “Okay” to “Great!”

Everyone has bad days. But when your bad days become a signal that you're in a rut, just "okay" and not thriving... it may be time for a life transformation. Andria has been through it! Her courageous decisions have led her to a much more fulfilling life. What about you? - InPower Editors Through...

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Are You Frozen? Forget “Conceal it, Don’t Feel it!”

One of the most powerful skills women bring to the workplace and leadership is the ability to model emotional intelligence, or the ability to use emotions constructively to communicate and manage people and challenges effectively. Mitch takes her EQ inspiration from Disney's "Frozen" to help us...

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