I believe I have found the chink in the armor of servant-based leadership, which is that when only some people are served, everyone does not feel protected. Instead, they feel vulnerable.
A Guide to Allyship: The Authenticity Paradox and How to Help Women in the Workplace Move Past It
Key Takeaways: Key Actions for a Guide to Allyship: Men and women can support women in leadership by assuming competence, mentoring and sponsoring them, calling out bias, and fostering visibility. Allies should also work to educate themselves about the unique challenges women face and act as...
Breaking the Mold: Thriving as Women in the Workplace Built for Men
Key Takeaways The workplace needs to evolve to support women: Traditional workplace structures, designed with men in mind, often fail to accommodate the needs of women in the workplace, hindering their advancement. Women bring unique strengths to leadership: Qualities like empathy, communication...
Cultural Change: An Update on Workforce Diversity
As I’ve begun to explore the interpersonal dynamics of workplace discrimination more closely, I have gone back to update my own understanding of workforce diversity data and what it tells us about the the demographic makeup of the modern workforce. I have been disappointed to find that the racial...
Revelation: Diversity Does Not Mean Disharmony
Guest Post on Diversity By: Kate Nasser Most leaders do not want strife and disharmony in their organizations. The emotion of disharmony drains the team’s energy and attention from successful behaviors. Leaders want insightful, competent collaborators who can get the job done and win the day. So...
Unintended Consequences Matter: Learning to See Bystanderism and Microaggression as Contributors to Employee Turnover in the Workplace
Efforts to increase diversity in our workplaces has been dismally slow over the last few decades, despite business initiatives, research and even expansions of the very definition of diversity. Like many, I find this frustrating. I find it especially frustrating that in light of #metoo, the public...
The Game Is Rigged: Strategies for Overcoming Unconscious Bias
When it comes to unconscious bias, the bad news is that the game is rigged–against women, people of color, introverts and others that don’t fit a certain “success” stereotype that is often male, white and extroverted. But the good news is, it’s not really a game so there are no rules you can’t...
Leadership Perspective: Are Traditional Measures of Workforce Diversity Outdated?
Despite being the #1 recruiting trend for 2018 for businesses, and despite decades of trying to improve workforce diversity demographics in the workplace, the commercial sector has made little progress. I believe this supports the theory that homogeneous workplaces are more the result of...
Microaggression – Everything You Say Matters
How you say things matters Hurt is hurt, no matter how small the words that carry the offense. Choose to speak powerfully, as though everything you say matters. Because it does. This is how we roll back the negative impact of microagression in our society. You can’t often tell what impact your...
Unconscious Bias: The Key to Effective Gender Communication
In executive coaching (both women and men) I’ve often observed that two parallel stories about women and men in the workplace often coexist. First, “women and men communicate differently” is a truth that few bother to deny. Second, “men and women are treated equally in the workplace.” To me, it’s...