By Jessica Thiefels Networking can be hard, nervewracking, expensive and time-consuming. It can also afford you otherwise unavailable job opportunities and ultimately provide you with the tools you need to find success and stand out in your field. Especially as we head into the New Year, when...
Coaching Advice
Business Leaders – What Don’t Your Employees Tell You?
Bosses, Do you know what’s really going on in your organizations? According to the Speak Truth to Power Survey I fielded last month, no. You’re often not hearing what your people really think. According to my unscientific-but-interesting poll, almost half your potential workforce (48%) indicated...
What Is Transformational Leadership?
Popular culture is entranced with the idea of transformation. Just look at our blockbuster movies that feature all kinds of magic, relationships renewed and personal bests beat despite the odds. We love our stories of redemption and renewal, all of which celebrate the potential for human beings to...
Dear Dana Workplace Advice: Should I Return to a Toxic Corporate Culture?
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Hello Dana, [Note is abbreviated-ed.] Quite complicated and online advice is scant. I would love...
Dear Dana Workplace Advice: How Long Should You Stay At A Job?
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Dear Dana, I used to love my job; recently my colleague caught me complaining about it. I guess...
The Antidote for Toxic Corporate Culture
In a recent leadership development workshop I facilitated, one woman bravely spoke her truth about the reality of the toxic corporate culture they all worked in. It was dysfunctional. Managers were petty and their pettiness was only overshadowed by the pettiness of the leaders above them. All...
June 6: Vreneli Stadelmaier joins us to discuss imposter syndrome and fluid careers
We welcome back Vreneli Stadelmaier to talk about imposter syndrome. This time, we’ll talk about imposter syndrome and how it impacts the fluid career. There was recently a wonderful article at about competence vs. confidence and how people respond to both. How does this relate to...
May 23: Carri Craver joins us to discuss her fluid career as an entrepreneur and problem solver
Carri is a true entrepreneur and product designer. I originally met her at one of the Dallas co-working centers, and later we had many conversations and built a friendship at the Dallas Entrepreneur Center. Her energy is infectious. Her drive is focused. She constantly solves problems and creates...
Dear Dana Workplace Advice: How to Run a Meeting When You’re not in Charge
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Dear Dana – Help! I run a weekly meeting for department heads (I am not one) and I can’t seem to...
May 9: Political polarization in our personal lives in the post-truth era
We have polarized politics in our nation - it’s one party against the other, and unfortunatley this seems to be bleeding into our private lives and relationships. It's hard to imagine when politics was less polarizing, but it did happen! Politics used to be less reality TV and more...