Coaching Advice

INSIGHT: When Analysis Becomes Paralysis

Have you ever noticed how unmade decisions can gang up on you and hold you down? INSIGHT: Analysis has it’s limits. Know where they are. If you’re ever feeling powerless, make a few decisions. Watch how your INpower meter pops up. Choice is power so when you need a power boost, make a choice. But...

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Do You Suffer From “Sorry-itis?”

Early one morning, Peg popped her head into her boss’ office and said, “Sorry, Bill. Do you have a minute?” In a late-morning project meeting, she said, “I’m sorry, but can I ask a question?” Riding the elevator to go out for lunch, Peg was jostled by another rider. “Sorry,” she said reflexively....

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How to Deal with Annoying People

On my recent flight from Germany to the US, the man in front of me was so large that when he lay back in his chair, his head was practically in my lap. Not only could I barely open my computer to work, I had to do some maneuvering to eat my meal. The flight attendant agreed that something was...

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5 Keys To Drive Employee Engagement

Collaboration – Creativity – Connection – Celebration  - Contribution Does this sound familiar? You lack energy to go to work.  Work feels like a paycheck and you focus your passions elsewhere. You want to make things better but you’re tired of your ideas not being heard, so why bother?  If this...

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  Wow. Friday already? Where did the week go? When things are moving “too fast” ask yourself if you’re rushing or flowing. Flow is better. I asked for a lot and I got it! Woot! The dog caught the bus and now it’s time to run. Despite the mixed metaphors, I’ve noticed something about this...

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Do You Have Work-Life Confidence?

Women who successfully blend work and life have a healthy dose of what I call “Vitamin C” or Confidence. They know that no area of your life will ever be perfect for a sustained period of time—and that it is possible to blend work and life without feeling like you’re shortchanging your job or your...

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3 Ways to Make Your Work More Meaningful

Why do you do what you do?  That was the question I set out to answer after re-watching Simon Sinek’s hugely popular TED talk called “How Great Leaders Inspire Action.”  His theory is that too many companies talk about what they do and how they do it, when instead, they should lead with why they...

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How to Stop Worrying

I’m a recovering worrier. I have worrying etched into my DNA but have focused the past many years on breaking my worrying habit. I blame my Mom for this habit (although I adore her). She knows this. We’ve discussed it. She blames her Dad for her habit. I suppose it’s in my genes but that doesn’t...

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Discovering the Roots of Your Restlessness

Many of the people I work with tell me they feel restless, knowing there is “something more” to do with their careers and their lives. They also feel a little sad and maybe resentful. Is this you?  As you look back on this year, do you feel grateful for what has occurred or relief that it is...

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