I often tell my seminar audiences that nothing riles us up faster than perceived disrespect. I see this so often it would be comical were it not for how quickly our perceptions can morph into all-out drama. Take this IM exchange sent to me from a manager recently – which I’m publishing with his...
Coaching Advice
The Power of Authentic Emotion
I often hear women say that they can’t show emotion at work or they’ll get ‘killed.’ Historically, it has been risky – even career-ending – for women leaders to show emotion, especially in male-dominated cultures. Somehow it makes them seem less credible, less tough, less … you name it. So for...
Your Real Biological Clock
Timing is everything, right? It can be and when you're focused on achieving a major impact - that's meaningful to YOU - the best things start happening right now. Take inspiration from Paula's simple and powerful reminders. - InPower Editors I recently appeared on a national web show to discuss...
Career Coaching: Look How Far You’ve Come
Sometimes we forget what it was like trying to manage your career in the "old days," before the internet and career coaching. Andria reminds us that things are much better now! - InPower Editors I spend a lot of time working with clients on ‘what’s next’, their next step, next career, or next...
Work + Child Care: Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way
Do you do what it takes? Of course you do. Here's some insight from Kathryn Sollmann into how one mom makes it work, and some good questions to ask yourself about what options you're opening up for yourself, no matter what it takes. - InPower Editors This is a shout-out to Christy Meares of...
A 7-Step Plan for Aspiring Entrepreneurial Thought Leadership
The internet makes it possible to become popular and visible so much more easily than has ever been possible before. And it looks so easy! Corey Blake is here to show us that it's not easy at all, but it is very doable. Got a message to get out to the world? Enjoy the journey - and journey it is!...
Leaders: How are You Taking Care of Yourself?
You know you should take care of yourself, but you don't. But you should! Here's the catch, when you don't take care of yourself you're less able to care for others. It seems nonsensical, but it's true. Also, how can others learn to care for themselves if you don't let them practice? Do it! Take...
Don’t Ignore Your Career Path Nudges
Do you know what your next career opportunity looks like? Look deep into your heart and soul and you'll find all kinds of dreams there waiting to lead you to your next - amazing - career opportunity. - InPower Editors “I don’t know what I want to do next” is a comment I hear regularly from many...
Dealing with Difficult People
There is simply no getting around the fact that difficult people will be in your life, but what about when they’re your boss? Or your partner? Or your most talented staff member? That’s when things get sticky for most of us. And by sticky I mean that the level of stress in our live pops the charts...
Women at Work Boardroom or Playroom: What do you choose to prioritize ?
By: Aditi Basu The struggles of the working mom are global, as guest author Aditi Basu informs us. Her story from India sounds just like the stories of working women the world over. If you ever feel stretched, tired or "not enough" know that you are not alone and that you ARE enough - and then...