We tell ourselves and each other all the time to define success on our own terms. But it's not always so easy, is it? Andria shows us what it can look like. - InPower Editors The other day I read the following quote by Anna Quindlen: “If success is not on your terms, if it looks good to the world...
Coaching Advice
INSPIRATION: Authenticity Becomes You
Despite your fears, the people you love to work with love what you're hiding under your mask. (We all wear them.) The rest of them might surprise you if you take your mask off. You'll never know until you try. What do you think is hiding under there? Despite what many of us believe, your authentic...
Leadership Strategies: Leading From the Middle
Traditional leadership paradigms are pretty “top down,” but as modern leadership gurus help us see that such hierarchical decision-making structures are reaching their limits, it’s time to start exploring ways that employees can lead from the middle. Conveniently for those who want to rise in the...
Creating More Life Balance
We don't think of ourselves as frogs in boiling water very often, but Andria reminds us how often this is the case. Take care of yourself, my friends. Read this to remember why life balance is so very important to you. - InPower Editors After spending 20 years in the work world, I am still trying...
3 Ways the Millennial Generation Can Help Your Company Get Real
As a species humans love to complain, and we seem to really love to complain about the younger generations. However, it’s time to give the kid-bashing a rest and look at the ways that working with the millennial generation (18-30 years old) helps us be better leaders and build better companies....
3 Ways Managing Millennials Will Make You a Better Leader
Is it just us or is there a lot of negative talk about the millennial generation these days? We’re getting kindof sick of it because we see plenty of opportunity coming into the workforce with these young adults. First and foremost is the opportunity to become a better leader for us “older folk.”...
Is that Work-Life Roadblock Really You?
We all face work-life challenges and all our challenges have a dimension where we contribute to the problem. This doesn't make it "our fault" but it does give us a place to start in removing the roadblock! Don't worry, there's another one waiting... and the more we move the greater impact we have...
Managing People – Do We Really Do That?
My first management experience was a disaster. I had a poor manager myself and was told to “be in charge” of a group of my peers, who did not report to me and had no particular reason to do what I told them to do. It turned into a backstabbing circus within hours. What I learned from that...
Calm Your Inner Voice for Work-Life Success
Too often work-life life seems overwhelming, but how much of that is under our control? Emily reminds us that most of it is ours to command. - InPower Editors When you write a book about women dominating in business, a funny thing happens. People call your bluff. And so they begin to rise up and...
When Was The Last Time You Took A Day Off?
Taking unstructured time to BE is a critical tool in your productivity and effectiveness bag of tricks. How often do you use it? Take a day off like Leslie did and see what happens! - InPower Editors I did a really good thing last week: I went on a 24-hour personal retreat. From noon on Monday to...