Have you ever lost your job? Cute quotes about making lemonade out of lemonade don't quite cut it when you get the news, do they? Dealing with change is tough, even for those of us who've practiced a lot. We really like Andria's simple rules for handling the inevitable life changes coming our way....
Coaching Advice
The Role of Dialogue in Performance Reviews
Working in low-income communities, I’ve learned that leadership and management are not only skills that increase productivity, they can and should be empowerment skills as well. Dialogue, in particular, has become my go-to strategy for empowering the people who work for me. When I use it, I...
Dear Dana Workplace Advice: Lots of Interviews, But No Job Offer!
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Dear Dana, I have been on a number of interviews and they all seem to go well. I have a number...
How to Prepare for a Performance Review or Job Interview
One thing I love most about the InPower Community and other forums where I take part as an expert is answering people's questions. One of the most popular topics on people's minds is how to prepare for a performance review, followed closely by queries about how to prepare for a job interview....
Does Work-life Balance & Success Have a Point of Diminishing Return?
There are many ways to become overwhelmed in this world, and finding work-life balance and greater success are two of them. Dana shows us a mind trick to managing our energy and reducing our sense of overwhelm. - InPower Editors It's summer! Which for many of us means juggling work and various...
INSIGHT: The Power of Joy
Is a secret to personal power sitting right under your nose? It was mine. I grew up a negative, cynical kid, and it wasn't until relative adulthood that I discovered the ability for simple joy to help me find my power in otherwise powerless situations - mostly, but not only, on the job. Turns out...
Building Your Social, Personal Brand
Please welcome special guest blogger, Heidi Lorenzen, President of Marketing Moksha, who’s turning her extreme marketing knowledge to helping us think about how to use social media to shape your personal brand. “Social business” is a buzz-phrase increasingly used today to describe the transformed...
Who am I? A Fresh Approach to Personal Brand Identity
Want to go places in your career? A lot of people will give you advice about your personal brand identity when you tell them you’re looking for new opportunities. In our socially visible culture, personal branding is that elusive skill that requires us to present ourselves authentically, visibly...
Wake Up To Your Fluid Career Development Opportunity
Happy Valentines Day! This year we wanted to give you a new way to love yourself, by sharing a career development perspective designed to help you take the pressure off yourself, take more credit for what you’ve achieved and strategize more productively about where you go next. Welcome to your...
Dear Dana Workplace Advice: Self Care for Leaders During Layoffs
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Dear Dana, I am uncomfortable even writing about this but my company is going through...