Coaching Advice

Want More Happiness and Less Stress? Get FAT

You may think you don't want to get fat, but you DO want to be a FAT thinker. Paula breaks down the secret to the brain games behind building a "less stress" life. How many of these games are you already playing? How many more can you learn to reduce the stress in your life? ~ InPower Editors When...

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Let Your Freak Flag Fly – At Work?

We want to be authentic at work, but what does this really mean? Does it REALLY mean you can let your freak flag fly? It's not that simple. Laurie gives us a thoughtful vision of what your authentic professional life can look like. Take a look. ~ InPower Editors There is a lot of talk about...

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Don’t Get Caught In the Results Trap!

If you produce excellent results but don’t feel like you’re moving up the leadership ladder (or around the jungle gym) fast enough, take a look to see if you’re excellent work is holding you back. Here’s what it feels like to be stuck in the results trap: You do good work, produce good results and...

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Endings are normal, natural and inevitable. Here’s a way to view your leadership efficacy – do you fight the natural end of things or take advantage of their momentum to create a new beginning? Everything has a beginning, middle and end. Sometimes these cycles are so long we forget that they will...

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What’s Your Strategy as a New Manager?

Sometimes you get what you ask for, and when it's a promotion to management, that can be quite a shock. "Now what?" you might say. John has some great advice for a new manager, and an experienced one as well. He says, "I hope these ideas are helpful for those of you who are new in your role as a...

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Career Strategy: Mentors good. Sponsors better!

We get a lot of questions about how to find a sponsor to advocate for you behind the scenes. This post by Kathryn (and the book she reviews) will give you a lot of insight into this important career strategy. - InPower Editors At a recent 85 Broads Power Circle event, I indeed felt the power of...

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INSIGHT: Permission

Have you ever explored the power of permission – for yourself? For your staff? For your family? We accept things – rules, goals and boundaries – as though they are real and then they become real until we give ourselves and others permission to change them. Everyone believes things are true that...

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Creative Leadership

Sometimes leadership seems like a mystery. We know “command and control” rarely works to motivate people, and even more rarely allows women to lead authentically. We like this insight from Dana to help you round out your leadership style. – InPower Editors I recently had the chance to talk to a...

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The Shortest Distance To Higher Profits

  “The shortest distance between two points is under construction.” Leo Aikman Getting from A to B always seems so simple until you encounter the devil in the details. We learn in B school that profits come from high demand, meeting customer needs, low costs, effective sales and flawless...

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Advice to Millennials in the Workforce: Stay Motivated

Do you remember how tough it was to enter the workforce? Yeah, tough! We love this advice co-created by our newest blogger, Sheila Berry, Founder at Living Vicky and her social media intern, Danielle. It's directed at the newest stars in our employee pool, millennials in the workforce, and it's...

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