InPower Women Blog

Can you get to the top without playing office politics?

Office politics is as much a part of work as drawing a salary. And yet, I don’t know anyone who wants more of it. In fact, many clients come to me because they feel stymied in their career advancement goals because they perceive “office politics” to be getting in their way. People blame office...

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Activating The Woman Effect

First written and posted in 2012, I still stand by this philosophy, and am updating it in 2024. Stay tuned! This last year blogging here on Reclaiming Leadership has been fun and fascinating. Along the way I found myself speaking to and with wonderful, powerful women. And I've also been having fun...

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3 Ways to Give Yourself Permission to Succeed

Many times the voice in our head holds us back. So it is quite often the voice in our head that needs to give us permission to move forward. Whether you're an entrepreneur or not, Elizabeth's advice will give you permission to do this more often! - InPower Editors Don’t stand in the way of your...

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What’s Wrong With Women’s Empowerment?

What’s wrong with women’s empowerment? Nothing and everything. - Click To Tweet At its best, women’s empowerment programs are an organizational (or social) recognition that cultural barriers diminish women’s chances to succeed and make an attempt to counteract those forces to give women a better...

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Who am I? A Fresh Approach to Personal Brand Identity

Want to go places in your career? A lot of people will give you advice about your personal brand identity when you tell them you’re looking for new opportunities. In our socially visible culture, personal branding is that elusive skill that requires us to present ourselves authentically, visibly...

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Why Women in Leadership Must Change Our Narrative

With a virtual thud for women in leadership everywhere, the Catalyst 2012 Census of Fortune 500 companies hit my e-mailbox: NEW YORK (December 11, 2012)—Despite high-profile news about gender gaps, equal pay, and women on boards, once again the needle barely budged for women aspiring to top...

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