Personal Mastery

What’s The Productivity Toll of Holiday Stress?

Halloween is around the corner and I’m already starting to gear myself up for various kinds of holiday stress over the next two months. There’s always a lot of ups and downs with family coming into town, more social activities to host and attend and the pressure of wrapping things at work up for...

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Stop the Spiral of Negative Self Judgment

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love, shared in a speech that no matter how charmed her life looks, every day she falls short of what she had hoped to accomplish. Then she has to consciously stop her brain from beating herself up for her shortcomings. She ended by telling us to “Let go of...

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Stop Making Lists and Start Communicating Your True Value

No matter what our endeavor, whether we are in the job we love or seeking new opportunities we all seek to create value for those we serve. And yet, so many people involved with worthy ventures and causes don’t get traction because they struggle to say what those around them need and want to hear....

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How to Turn Stress into a Healthy Resource

Stress can be a powerful and healthy resource. Yes, you heard me correctly – a resource. But wait, stress is bad, stress causes health problems, we all should try to diminish the stress in our daily lives… right? Not exactly. Sure, chronic stress can absolutely be harmful to health and well-being....

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The Wisdom of Failure

  The word "failure" has been popping up on my various lists and feeds lately. A lot. Maybe this means the global universe is pondering this subject - or maybe it's just my brain's way of saying that I should. Why-ever it's appeared on my radar, I'm paying attention.Lots of us used to be...

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Fear of Failure and Embracing The Inner Loser

  Does fear of failure hold you back? True story.  A few months ago I had a rather large speaking engagement.  It was with an audience larger than I usually speak in front of, with content I hadn’t delivered before.  The night before the conference I set the alarm for 6...

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How To Conquer Your Fears

Fear will stop you dead in your tracks or make you run like hell. It’s supposed to do that. When you come face to face with a life threatening moment, like a fire in your house or a wild animal in your path, your fight or flight reaction kicks in; thank heavens for that. That’s what fear is...

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Stop Worrying – Choose Trust

Who doesn’t worry? Anxiety and worry are a fact of life for most people. Certainly all my clients find that anxious worrying constantly drains their energy. Sometimes they carry around a general level of anxiety they’re not even aware of. This unconscious worry simply depletes them until they...

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