Good leaders are often credited with being good collaborators, but why is this cooperative instinct so valuable? There are lots of reasons, but efficiency is a hidden gem among them. - InPower Editors By: Mary Schaefer Is the ability to gain cooperation an underestimated component of efficiency? I...
People Skills
The Power of Authentic Emotion
I often hear women say that they can’t show emotion at work or they’ll get ‘killed.’ Historically, it has been risky – even career-ending – for women leaders to show emotion, especially in male-dominated cultures. Somehow it makes them seem less credible, less tough, less … you name it. So for...
Dealing with Difficult People
There is simply no getting around the fact that difficult people will be in your life, but what about when they’re your boss? Or your partner? Or your most talented staff member? That’s when things get sticky for most of us. And by sticky I mean that the level of stress in our live pops the charts...
Infographic: Toxic Employee Showdown
We all know a toxic employee or two, but do we stop to think about the cost of that person to the company or the mission? If you're managing them, you should be! Here's a quick cheat sheet to identify and strategize on how to deal with the most common toxic employee types. Originally on: Get VOIP...
Practicing Compassion: Let’s Cut Each Other a Break
By: Mary Schaefer Sometimes it's tough to give people the benefit of the doubt. But we should do it anyway. - InPower Editors Have you ever had someone accuse you of an offense that you were totally unaware of? Maybe you unknowingly got ahead of them in line at the coffee shop. Or you inched out...
How To Deal With A Jerk At Work
There is nothing that will ruin your day or drain your energy faster than having to deal with a jerk at work. You know whom I’m talking about. The guy who slams a door in your face. The gal who yells. The guy who throws a temper tantrum when you disagree with him. Yes, it would be great if this...
Communicating Powerfully
Have you ever noticed how many leadership development resources emphasize effective communication? How many bosses will mark you down (or up!) for your communication skills? Have you ever thought about why it's so important for your career success to be a good communicator? In ancient times, some...
Do You Confuse Emotions with Emotional Intelligence (EQ?)
It often surprises my executive coaching clients how important their emotions are to their workplace success. Most of us have been trained to keep our emotions out of the office, so we let lag an ongoing investment in our Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Part of the problem is that investing in...
5 Tips to Strengthen Your Self-Efficacy
Mastering Self-Efficacy Helps Smooth Out the Bumps in Life “Self-efficacy: The belief that one has mastery over the events of one’s life and can meet challenges as they come up” Self-efficacy is the most important part of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) that a Working Mom needs to master. Let me give...
3 Ways Managing Millennials Will Make You a Better Leader
Is it just us or is there a lot of negative talk about the millennial generation these days? We’re getting kindof sick of it because we see plenty of opportunity coming into the workforce with these young adults. First and foremost is the opportunity to become a better leader for us “older folk.”...