We're excited to introduce the ladies of Silkarmour, the highly fashionable unfashion site for professional women. InPower Women is partnering with Silkarmour because while we both believe that what we wear matters to our career, traditional rules about how to dress in the office often disserve...
Women in Leadership: A Guide for Women, Their Mentors and Allies
Download this article in PDF While women have been a critical element of the workforce since the beginning of time, it’s only recently that women in leadership have become a holy grail for major organizations that want to be seen as open and welcoming places to work. The data is clear...
Workplace Fashion: Our InPower Women/Silkarmour “Un”fashion Carnival
To celebrate our partnership between InPower Women and Silkarmour, we asked some women to choose a piece from the Silkarmour website that they like and share with us why they chose it. The "why" includes how it supports their own personal brand and style, and how it fits into their view of work...
Dress For Success vs. Inner Power
Today we’re excited to kick off our newest partnership with SilkArmour UK, an INpowered women’s fashion site. SilkArmour will also host our newest InPower Women’s forum. Read Dana’s journey to making peace with fashion, Barbie and the trappings of external power below and then join the SilkArmour...