Women in Leadership

5 Tips for Networking Success

Key Takeaways: Networking is a crucial leadership skill: As you advance in your career, networking becomes more important than technical expertise, helping you clear obstacles and connect with resources and information. Networking doesn’t have to be about big events: Success in networking is often...

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Which Double Standard for Women Applies To You? All of Them?

Double standard for women in leadership is an age-old problem, but it turns out that it's not just a problem for leaders; it's a problem for all women in the workplace. Key Takeaways: Numerous Double Standards: The article highlights the plethora of double standards for women in the workplace,...

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Activating The Woman Effect

First written and posted in 2012, I still stand by this philosophy, and am updating it in 2024. Stay tuned! This last year blogging here on Reclaiming Leadership has been fun and fascinating. Along the way I found myself speaking to and with wonderful, powerful women. And I've also been having fun...

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3 Steps To Escape The Double Bind Of The Female Boss

Women make great leaders, but do they always make a great bosses? Yes, that’s a trick question. No one is a good boss because of their gender any more than because of their race, religion or geography of origin. But if you had a peek into my inbox over the last month, you’d be asking yourself the...

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The Power Code [Book Review]

There are a LOT of books out there on women in professional settings. I don’t read them all, or recommend many, though all of them are worth exploring for new ideas and insights. I am recommending that women and men both read The Power Code: More Joy. Less Ego. Maximum Impact for Women (and...

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