Recently when reading about work-life balance, I read that millennials are more focused on “finding the work that fits your life” than their mothers were at the same age. In my Baby Boomer generation women left the workforce in large numbers to be with family—and through my coaching practice I...
Work-Life Blend
Work at Home: All Work and No Playdough
In a recent Twitter conversation about finding work that fits your life, Pamela La Gioia, the CEO of Chicago-based Telework Recruiting, wisely pointed out that flex work is not a substitute for child care. Pamela’s company helps professionals find work that can be done at home, but she knows that...
Do You Have Work-Life Confidence?
Women who successfully blend work and life have a healthy dose of what I call “Vitamin C” or Confidence. They know that no area of your life will ever be perfect for a sustained period of time—and that it is possible to blend work and life without feeling like you’re shortchanging your job or your...
The Key to Planning for Success in Business and in Life
By: Tammy Leigh Kahn Sometimes you can’t help but think of mistakes you’ve made, but here’s why you should let go of the past and make room for the present. As entrepreneurs, we all swing for the fences. Sometimes we hit a grand slam, sometimes it’s a single or a double, and sometimes, we strike...
How To Craft A Rebound
On average, we make 11.7 career changes according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s a lot of rebounds, comebacks and course corrections. I know I have followed my authentic self onto a new path close to a dozen times so far. Career shifts are never easy, but always worth it. This article...
Embrace the Power of Choice
Feel stuck? Choose to become unstuck. Have you ever felt stuck in a job, with a daycare, or just in a bad situation? It's a sinking feeling when you feel like there's no way out. But we have good news! In this month’s Working Mom chat Dana and Lizzy will talk about how you always have a choice...
3 Strategies to Blend Life and Work
"Work-life balance" is an overused phrase that unrealistically reinforces an idea that equal parts of work and life are the goal. They're not. Today we know that work is a part of life and that we are constantly juggling them both. While in some ways this is exciting and wonderful, in others it's...
Women at Work Boardroom or Playroom: What do you choose to prioritize ?
By: Aditi Basu The struggles of the working mom are global, as guest author Aditi Basu informs us. Her story from India sounds just like the stories of working women the world over. If you ever feel stretched, tired or "not enough" know that you are not alone and that you ARE enough - and then...
Work-Life Balance: Return to Work While the Going’s Good
What's the cost of opting out of the workforce, for a little while or a long while? Many women don't do the calculation of what they lose by staying at home to take care of kids - and parents! Go in eyes open, as Kathryn advises. - InPower Editors So often women tell me that they’ll return to work...
Surviving Abuse & Telling The Kids About It: Video Interview with Lauren Book
How do you talk about abuse if you're a survivor? What do you tell children about abuse? Surviving abuse is one of the most challenging things to talk to anyone about, much less your children, and yet it can be so important to anyone's sense of power to talk about the most awful things....