Work-Life Blend

What’s Your Purpose? [Video]

Why it important to tap into your "purpose" to help you succeed in your career? The discussion of your life's purpose is talked about a lot, but still not well understood by many women. Join Executive Coach Dana Theus and Purpose Coach, Carin Rockind in a live video discussion of the relationship...

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Plan 2015 by Letting Go of 2014

It's the end of the year! If you're like us you're tempted to run around in circles just trying to get it all done. Dana gives us a reminder—and tools—to bring a more intentional close to 2014. —InPower Editors Think it’s too early to plan 2015? Nope! Now’s the best time. Plan ahead. But don’t...

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Let’s Get Clear On Clarity

Welcome to the first post in our monthly InPower Working Mom Chat series! Today Lizzy and Dana will talk about how important it is to get grounded and CLEAR as a working mom, for the sake of yourself, your family and your work! - InPower Editors Come join us Wednesday, November 12th at 1:00PM EST...

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Working Moms Have Mommy Energy! [VIDEO INTERVIEW]

I’m excited to interview Lizzy McGrory, who turned her own struggles to be a successful working mom into a coaching practice that helps working moms find their power from the inside out. She’s written a book about it, too, which is full of practical tips, advice and exercises. We believe this...

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Tips for WorkLife Blending [VIDEO]

No matter how much “flexibility” we get in our office, we all struggle to get it all done in our worklife. This cross generational video discussion takes a look at the realities of worklife “blending” from the employee’s and employer’s point of view, and gives us all some tips. Join the...

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Finding Purpose in Your Fab 40’s Video 2

No more midlife crisis! In Power Women's series, "Finding Purpose in Your Fabulous 40's" will get you unstuck and loving life. In this second video, Carin Rockind, founder of #ThisIs40, the movement for women to feel free and fabulous, unveils her 4 step process to live your unique purpose. It all...

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Finding Purpose in your Fabulous 40’s

Is there still such a thing as a "mid-life crisis?" Well, it may not look like the guy with the red drop-top, but many women experience this desire for something else between the ages of 35 and 45. Carin brings us into her own experience with this very personal video to help you find your courage...

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5 Steps to Getting Back In Control

Sometimes we feel yanked around by our work—our life—or both. We can’t get on top of the pile. We can’t even stop to catch our breath. The list of stuff we’re not doing crushes the list of stuff we’ve accomplished. We can’t breathe and feel helpless and out of control. All this means is that we’ve...

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Creating More Life Balance

We don't think of ourselves as frogs in boiling water very often, but Andria reminds us how often this is the case. Take care of yourself, my friends. Read this to remember why life balance is so very important to you. - InPower Editors After spending 20 years in the work world, I am still trying...

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