Do Hard: How Personal Challenges Can Accelerate Your Career

by | May 8, 2014 | Career Development

We have opportunities to push ourselves all the time in life. What do you do with those opportunities? Do you grab them and go for it or hang back and wait for something easier? Dana comes clean on her lifelong patterns and steps up to new ways to Do Hard, which is one of the strategies she gives you in her new eBook on going higher, faster! – InPower Editors

“Do Hard.”

This was the answer a woman who sat on several large company corporate boards gave when she was asked how to get noticed for board seats. “Do hard.”

Those words really stuck with me because as she talked about what it meant to “do hard” in her corporate environment, such as taking overseas assignments and asking her husband to leave his job, I realized that in my corporate life I’d chosen many times not to “do hard.” I’d chosen not to build up skills I didn’t enjoy in favor of those I did. I’d chosen not build relationships that would have forced me to travel more when my kids were little. And every one of these had been a choice.

I actually thought that by getting out in entrepreneur-land I was “Doing Easy.”

I was so wrong. Simply surviving as an entrepreneur is hard work and constantly puts me in my discomfort zone. I’ve learned to set aside fear of rejection, disapproval, failure and so much more out on my own. It’s like running a constant obstacle path to learn to set aside fear, doubt and a bunch of other stuff in my way.

Here’s what I’ve learned about Doing Hard. It doesn’t matter whether you travel or don’t travel, become a specialist or a generalist, or work for yourself or someone else… if you’re in your stretch zone, you’re Doing Hard and your career and life will benefit.

What hard thing are you doing today?

“Do Hard” is Tip #2 in 7 Strategies to Attract and Executive Sponsor: 21 Action Items to Help You Go Higher, Faster! Download this free ebook and video mini-series today and join our May 30 telecon on How to Attract an Executive Sponsor! (Already registered at InPower Coffee Break? You can get your copy now when you log in!)

Take charge of your career development to get the job that supports your work and your life. Check out the tools and resources in the InPower Coaching Career Center.

Dana Theus

Dana Theus

Dana Theus is an executive coach specializing in helping you activate your highest potential to succeed and to shine. With her support emerging and established leaders, especially women, take powerful, high-road shortcuts to developing their authentic leadership style and discovering new levels of confidence and impact. Dana has worked for Fortune 50 companies, entrepreneurial tech startups, government and military agencies and non-profits and she has taught graduate-level courses for several Universities. learn more

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