Everyone has moments of low self-confidence, Imposter Syndrome and performance anxiety. Why do some people move through them while others get stuck?
Well, for one thing when the inner critic gets noisy, it feels terrible, and all too easy to shut down or freeze up (or both!). None of which is good for your career and business success.
So here’s a little tip when you’re feeling unsure in your career, lean into your personal mission.
Missions call to us. Because they matter so much to us and others, they bring to the surface the courage we need to press on in the face of possible failure. They remind us it’s more important to try and lose than never to try at all.
Unsure of your personal mission? Time to get working. Your mission will come to define your personal brand and always be handy, waiting to pull you past disappointment.
What’s your mission? Share in comments below.
Join our Women’s Mastermind in June to explore strategies for overcoming the Imposter Syndrome.
Personal Brand Coaching
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How do you attract opportunities to you before you have to go looking for them? The solution is simple--
find meaning in your work, target your next opportunity with intention and
share your “true you” personal brand story with everyone you meet!
We’ll show you how.