Personalized Meditation Coaching
Go in. Lead from there.
All my clients discover through personal reflection a bottomless well of personal power lying within them. Through the innovative and customized meditation coaching approach outlined below, I can offer you deep access to your personal power through the portal of your inner awareness. And, you get a double-benefit! This work is amazingly pragmatic, helping you intuitively reframe hard problems, discover new approaches, release creative and mental blocks, all while relaxing and destressing your body and your life. With this approach I will support you in becoming the person, and the leader, you want to be.
“At its best, working with a coach is a personal exploration of your inner self. It’s a journey to personal mastery and an intentional effort to reshape your identity so you know yourself capable of reaching your potential. This is true whether your goals are to build a more meaningful career, lead a more productive team or achieve any goal you set your intention to.
My own journey to personal mastery has been years in the making, and grounded in regular meditation practice. My clients tell me that my approach to meditation, with its liberal use of visualization and symbolism, is a bit different than what they’ve experienced before. The clients with whom I’ve shared this approach report that it helps them reframe hard problems, release blocks and find fresh and enlightening approaches to the challenges they struggle with in living and leading a meaningful life and career. It’s certainly done all that for me, and more!
With this new form of coaching, I’m offering clients a highly personalized opportunity to achieve their goals by taking them more deeply into themselves. This meditation-centric approach, which I customize for you uniquely in each session, will ignite your intuitive mind to join you in achieving your goals, intentions, dreams and highest potential. I’d love to share more about it with you to see if it’s a good fit for your particular needs.”
~ Dana Theus, Executive Coach

Why Meditation Coaching?
Succeeding in today’s busy world requires focus, intention, emotional intelligence and self mastery. Your logical, analytical brain can only take you so far in honing these skills. To tap your higher potential to lead and succeed, you need to tap your intuitive brain. Let Dana help you chart an individually tailored journey inward and help you access your personal potential to:
- Destress Anytime, Anywhere
- Release Distracting Emotions & Thoughts
- Set Powerful Intentions
- Renegotiate Key Relationships
- Reframe Success for Yourself & Others
- Bring More Flow to your Daily Life
- Reframe and Solve Programs More Easily and Effectively
Benefits of Meditation Coaching
In any coaching relationship, I will be focused on giving you greater insights and the ability to become mindful about what drives you and how to manage your personal energy. By integrating personalized meditations into our work together, you’ll find yourself taking bigger strides energetically, shifting more easily into the thought and emotional patterns that support you naturally and intuitively. This insight will help you generate new ideas and approaches you may not access otherwise.

Mindful Awareness
By design, we are relatively blind to our subconscious mind and habits. Meditation coaching helps you gently pull back the curtain on what drives you and gives you the power of choice over how you are becoming. It helps you release habits that no longer serve you and build new ones that support you and those you wish to support beyond yourself. This awareness will help you specifically:
- release old patterns that hold you back
- make healthier choices for yourself and those who depend on you
- distinguish between things you can control and those you can’t

Intuitive Clarity
- build genuine confidence in your strengths, talents and value
- gain trust and energy from your inner purpose and passions
- Set empowering intentions and discover new strategies to achieve your aspirations

Stress Release
While sleep and exercise are critical to living a stress-balanced and healthy life, when you release and rebalance your mental and emotional stresses, you immediately gain a Return on Energy (RoE) that is hard to beat. You can use this RoE to channel your best self in new and powerful ways:
- build in time to relax
- create intentions that guide you into greater productivity and achievement
- transform difficult relationships
- tap greater wisdom and insight in leading and living
- create a schedule that reflects a more healthful work-life-blend
- increase your energy to apply towards creating impact for yourself and others
How It Works
Once you register for coaching sessions, you will receive password-protected access to Dana’s VIP coaching community and scheduling system, where you can set up your first call.
Here is a brief outline
for each session
30 Minutes
We’ll spend 30 minutes discussing your current situation, where you’re stuck and where you need greater insight.
20 Minutes
personalized meditation
Dana will lead you through a guided visualization and meditation, personally designed to give you greater insight and clarity about your situation.
10 Minutes
You will reflect on your experience with Dana and she will suggest additional reflection activities and assignments to help you reap the full benefit of your experience.
By the end of the day, Dana will email you a summary of her own reflections on your session along with your assignment and a dropbox link to your recording.
You may choose to record the entire session or just the meditation section. This will allow you to experience the meditation again as often as you like.
Happy Clients
Dana’s unique approach to meditation helps me find my inner calm AND tap deep insights about how an effective, empowering day should look and feel. I feel both more relaxed and more ready for anything that might come my way.

“Dana’s coaching has been invaluable, and changed my day-to-day life on all fronts.”
Kimberly Hulett
President & CEO, Creating Results

“Fundamentally my life changed after the 2nd session I had with Dana. It is like a veil has been removed from my face. It is like I can now breathe oxygen.“
L.G. Gambo
Economist, The World Bank

“Dana’s visualizations and coaching helped me realize I could effortlessly fly to the mountain top instead of plodding along in the woods.”
Barbara O.
Executive Director
Will this coaching help me get a job or solve a workplace problem?
This form of coaching is explicitly designed to bring you greater energy and insight for whatever challenge is in front of you, including those you’ll encounter in job seeking or handling workplace issues. InPower Meditation Coaching will be a powerful complement either one.
This is particularly true if you are considering a career change, or if you wish to reframe a toxic or underemployed situation. InPower Coaching is a comprehensive program designed to support you through all stages of your career cycle, from deciding what new opportunities you want to succeeding when you get them. By becoming a VIP coaching client I will help you with whatever challenge is in front of you right now. If you’re working on a specific problem, I will supplement guided meditations with assignments from the 100+ lesson InPower library to help with your job search or workplace challenge. As a VIP Coaching client you also gain access to the InPower Coaching community, with more InPowering resources to help you address challenges you find in your career and workplace releationships.
Will this program teach me to meditate?
What I’m offering here is a highly personal and customized approach to coaching that utilizes a meditation and visualization. By engaging in it, you will naturally learn some meditation and mindfulness techniques, however it is not specifically a program to teach meditation. If building an ongoing meditation practice is one of your goals, I can give you essential guidance through these sessions and you may choose to use some of our time together to practice more fundamental techniques, which you can bring into your personal practice. If you’re interested in support for a daily practice, you may also find the InPower Coaching Meditation & Reflections program of interest.
Do I need to meditate regularly in between sessions?
If you already have a meditation practice, that’s great, but you don’t need to meditate regularly to benefit. As with all coaching it is advisable to plan time for personal reflection between sessions. During these reflections you will gain great insights into how this work can bring benefits to your work and life.
Optionally, you can use this program to help you establish a regular meditation practice. In addition to the sessions with me, you will have access to the InPower Coaching Meditations & Reflections program, including 30 pre-recorded meditations as well as a weekly group meditation, which is available live and via recording.
What is a guided meditation with Dana like?
I use a guided meditation technique using visualizations to customize unique sessions just for you and just for the circumstance you’re encountering. This approach is very accessible to those who are experienced with more traditional meditation practices, and those who are not. All you need to do is sit quietly and listen. I will also provide you with the recordings of each session so you can review them later for nuggets you miss the first time through, helping you relax and experience the meditations in the moment during your call. If you’d like to sample some short meditations of this type, you can explore the recordings in the InPower Meditations & Reflections program.
What if I'd like both traditional and meditation coaching?
Our coaching relationship revolves completely around your needs and meditation is only one tool in my toolbox to help you. We can mix and match traditional and meditation coaching in any way that makes sense for you and what you’re hoping to accomplish through a coaching engagement. This may mean fewer, or shorter, meditations in between traditional coaching discussions. The cost is the same, regardless of the techniques we deploy.
How much does it cost?
Meditation is merely one tool I use to delivery coaching value and may be combined with other tools and strategies. The price for all my coaching engagements are the same and are organized into packages at various prices points and frequencies designed to support your specific situation and budget. To explore the packages that would be most supportive of you, set up a meditation coaching inquiry call for us to talk about it. After our conversation I’ll send you links to more information and specific pricing options.
Awaken Your Best Self to Lead You To Success

“When you become my Meditation Coaching Client, you gain immediate and unlimited access to the total InPower library of easy-to-use and in-depth executive coaching tools and strategies PLUS you’re first in line to get my support with private access to my client-only calendar.
I know that coaching is a major investment of time and money we both make in your success and fulfillment. I sincerely enjoy every one of my clients and I’d love to get to know you on a more personal level. Schedule your coach inquiry call right now. After we speak personally, if we both agree meditation coaching (or any kind of coaching) would support you in meeting our goals, I’ll send you more information and links to get started at your convenience. I can’t wait to see you on my calendar!”
Dana Theus, Executive Coach