career advancement

Building Trust – Whose Job Is It?

When things are bad at work, who's job is it to fix it? The higher you are, the more that task sits on your shoulders. Henna shares with us what it feels like when you forget this. - InPower Editors True story about one of the biggest regrets I have in my corporate career.  At one point, I was...

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Research Says: Women, Speak Up!

Study: Women, Find Your Voice (Heath, Flynn, Holt, Harvard Business Review, 2014) Finding:  Women and men view women's participation and communication in meetings differently, when both understand the other and move towards the middle, and women learn to speak up, change can happen. Note about The...

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Research Summary: Mentoring Is Not Enough

Title: Mentoring Is Not Enough Study: Mentoring: Necessary But Insufficient For Advancement (Nancy M Carter Phd and Christine Silva, Catalyst 2010) Finding: Mentors help women advance, but they help men more. InPower Insight: For many reasons, men tend to have a different relationship with...

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Research Summary: Women Need More “Hot Jobs” to Advance

Study: Good Intentions, Imperfect Execution (Catalyst, 2014) Finding:  Women get fewer of the high visibility, mission-critical roles and international experiences—the so-called “hot jobs”—that are key to getting ahead at global companies. InPower Insight: To get into leadership you've got to push...

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How to Attract an Executive Career Sponsor

Research continues to show us that mentorship is not enough to help women get into senior executive leadership in significant percentages. What the research says is that in addition to cultivating mentors to help them “learn the ropes,” the folks that leapfrog their peers into the executive ranks...

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Women, Burnout and Mindfulness

Burnout isn't working for anyone in our business culture - especially not women, who so easily burn out from family + work duties. Emily raises our consciousness with this post to remind us that we have the choice. - InPower Editors Two years ago I wrote about a former boss who casually mentioned...

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Profit from the Positive: 5 Strategies for Career Success

Sometimes leadership advice for career success sounds like so much gobbledegook. We agree with Paula that simple and positive is best, and we agree that Greenberg and Maymin's new book, "Profit from the Positive" offers some good advice to leaders and high-achievers alike! - InPower Editors What...

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