Corporate Culture

Research Says: Women In Groups Make Smarter Groups!

Study: The Female Factor (Harvard Business Review, Woolley and McGovern, 2011). A study on women in groups and working in groups. Finding: The IQ of individuals in a group is not as important as how balanced it is in terms of social perceptiveness. Gender-diversity and women's statically...

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What Meryl Streep Can Teach Us About Mean Girl Bosses

Between Maggie Thatcher in The Iron Lady and Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada, Meryl Streep has played some pretty tough bosses in her movies. So when I got the umpteenth request from professional women - readers, clients and friends - to explain the phenomenon of lady bully bosses (i.e.,...

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Innovative Leadership 101: Develop a Perspective Protocol

Sometimes we have to accept the reality that innovation can’t always be planned,  but when we find a pattern to help us increase the likelihood of spontaneity – why not try to learn it and bake it into the corporate culture? In their new book “Great by Choice,” Jim Collins and Morten Hansen have...

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Five Steps to Start A Mentoring Circle

Did you know that according to this 2011 Linked In survey of 1,000 women professionals, while 80% said having a mentor was important, only 20% actually had a mentor? In my work as an executive coach and speaker, I notice how easy it is for many women to second-guess ourselves. We tend to focus...

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My Wish List for Senior Executives

What key skill should every senior executive (and anyone aspiring to be one someday) master? The art of listening. John helps us understand why this is so important. How can you improve your listening skills this week? (We all can!) - InPower Editors Several people asked me recently what the most...

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Business Leaders – What Don’t Your Employees Tell You?

Bosses, Do you know what’s really going on in your organizations? According to the Speak Truth to Power Survey I fielded last month, no. You’re often not hearing what your people really think. According to my unscientific-but-interesting poll, almost half your potential workforce (48%) indicated...

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4 Things Women Need To Know About Mentors

Having a well-placed, successful mentor can be the difference between success and failure on the leadership track – but it is definitely more an art than a science for the mentor and the mentee. I recently started hosting a radio show interviewing CEOs of small-to-mid-sized companies. One question...

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Creating a Happier Company Culture

By: John Rampton Your attitude determines the atmosphere of your workspace. Every business has its unique culture: the culture defines the core values of the company and creates a set of unofficial guidelines for employees to follow. It also helps determine which discretionary behavior is...

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Do Meetings Waste Time You Could Otherwise Be Productive?

How much more would you get accomplished if it weren't for meetings? Sometimes it feels like the answer is "a lot" and yet our need to work cohesively with our teammates means meetings are a must. Here's a simple look at how to get the most out of the meetings you attend - and especially those you...

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