There is power in language, but only if you look beneath the words themselves.
Sometimes the words don’t matter, but the meaning does.
I recently had someone lash out at me because of something I said – well, actually it was because of something I didn’t say. In the ensuing exchange it became clear that their PRIDE was getting in the way of the thing they were proud of. To be honest, I never actually could discern what they were so proud of that they felt the need to flash their PRIDE so angrily.
This discussion had nothing to do with any kind of LGBT issue. I’m talking about a different kind of PRIDE. Sometimes we’re insecure about something that we want to be proud of. Instead of just being proud of it regardless of what the outside world does or doesn’t’ do, when the world reacts (or not) we get angry or afraid that the thing we’re proud of isn’t worthy. That’s when we flash our PRIDE around – which to an unsuspecting world can feel like a right cross – and miss a great opportunity to really share its value.
InPower Tip: Whenever you feel angry or afraid that something inside you isn’t valued by the outside world, relax your grip and check your PRIDE, anger and fear at the door. Reconnect with your personal sense of pride, the loving kind. Put that pride out into the world with words that clearly connote your love and appreciation and watch what happens. Instead of pushing people away with your PRIDE punches you’ll pull them in with interest and appreciation. That’s where influence begins.