Have you ever thought about the power of your words?
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Choose your words and you’re choosing your thoughts.
Choose your thoughts and you’re managing your energy.
Manage your energy and you’re becoming conscious.
Become conscious and access your power. What power?
- The power to use your energy to do things instead of worry.
- The power to be intentional and take responsibility for what happens to you.
- The power to say “no” when you’re making room for more “yes’s.”
And so much more power.
Want to learn the secrets of personal power and energy? Join the InPower Coffee Break Community in May to participate in our 5/29/15 Free-to-All Coaching Call on Managing Your Energy for Productivity & Sanity
Next time you open your mouth, what kind of power will you create?
Think about it.
You create power every time you open your mouth.