Dana Theus

Be Bold–Focus on Career-Defining Accomplishments

https://youtu.be/YJqEJmhbp_8 When you’re being considered for a promotion, major contract or new opportunity, what makes you stand out? Your sparkling personality, and even your reputation, will only get you so far.The core truth is that clients, hiring managers and recruiters will scan your...

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How to Move Beyond Self-Doubt

https://youtu.be/b7kxMQB_X_Q Everyone has moments of low self-confidence, Imposter Syndrome and performance anxiety. Why do some people move through them while others get stuck?Well, for one thing when the inner critic gets noisy, it feels terrible, and all too easy to shut down or...

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Imposter Syndrome: It’s Not Just for Women Anymore

I learned of the imposter syndrome early in my career at a women’s professional meeting, and through the years I’ve come to understand that the imposter syndrome is not just for women anymore. Way back when, the speaker on the podium described the phenomenon she said many women experience, and I...

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How to be an Ally to Women of Color, and All Women

I so appreciate this conversation with Saundra Gilliard and the powerful women who participated in my interview with her. We discussed the complexities of setting up true and impactful alliances across racial lines between women. It turns out that the answer to the question, "How can I be a good...

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Getting a Promotion is SO Yesterday

Podcast/Audio Getting a promotion has never been so hard. The economy is in constant flux and burnout is running high, especially among women. One question many are asking these days is, "Do I even want a promotion? And if I'm unsure, why should I stay here?" These words put chills down the spines...

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Women’s History Month: Do We Need Power to Make A Difference?

I’m posting this in celebration of Women’s History Month, 2022, but I’ve been thinking about it for decades. History months always make me ponder what it takes to “make history” and it seems that historical figures need to check two boxes to make it into this rarefied, if sometimes stuffy, air: Do...

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The Dirty Little Secret About Employee Engagement

As the job market gets tighter for employers in the ongoing wake of The Great Resignation, the watch word to mitigate staff turnover is employee engagement. Employee engagement has been a hot topic in Human Resource (HR) circles for the last decade as research continually shows strong correlations...

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